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As of right now:

1. Bad Romance

2. Disease

3. Applause

4. Born This Way

5. Just Dance

6. Perfect Illusion

7. Stupid Love

But honestly, 4-6 can all change depending on how I'm feeling

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1.  BR

2. Applause 

3. Disease (may become 2nd after all) 

4. Born this way 

5. Just dance 

6. Perfect illusion 

7. Stupid love 


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1. Bad Romance

2. Perfect Illusion 

3. Disease

4. Applause 

5. Born This Way 

6. Just Dance

7. Stupid Love 

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1. Bad Romance

2. Disease

3. Applause

4. Stupid Love

5. Born This Way

6. Perfect Illusion

7. Just Dance

Edit: I misspelled "disease", wrote "desease" lol

My ranking feels very solid to me as the years go by.

I don't think Disease will fall from #2 unless LG8 lead is better.

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1) Bad Romance
2) Perfect Illusion (I’m a sucker for any Gaga track that shows off her vocals)
3) Disease
4) Born This Way
5) Applause
6) Just Dance
7) Stupid Love

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1. Just Dance (my all time Gags fave+PF)

2. Bad Romance

3. Perfect Illusion

4. Born This Way

5. Applause

6. Disease

7. Stupid love


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1. Applause (Always and forever) 

2. Perfect Illusion 

3. Bad Romance 

4. Born This Way

5. Disease (This may rise on the list) 

6. Stupid Love

7. Just Dance


I legit had to pause and figure out why my math as not mathing. It's because it's been 4 years, the list has remained the same and Disease is so new I forgot to include it. I was like I know this is the LG7 era- why do I only have 6 songs? Which one am I forgetting. Oh her new lead single. :stalkga:

“I’m on the edge of glory…”
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40 minutes ago, Government said:

1. Bad Romance

2. Disease

3. Applause

4. Stupid Love

5. Born This Way

6. Perfect Illusion

7. Just Dance

Edit: I misspelled "disease", wrote "desease" lol

My ranking feels very solid to me as the years go by.

I don't think Disease will fall from #2 unless LG8 lead is better.

I keep misspelling Disease too. :laughga:

“I’m on the edge of glory…”
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honestly might be:

1. Applause

2. Bad Romance

3. Disease

4. Born This Way

5. Just Dance

6. Stupid Love

7. Perfect Illusion

i don’t feel like i can in good conscious actually say Disease is better than Bad Romance lol. i’m putting it above the rest because i don’t listen as much to the others anyway

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I'm quite surprised how highly Disease is ranked and yet most have Perfect Illusion so low. Out of all her singles, I think Perfect Illusion (along with Bad Romance) are most resonate to that kind of sound. But I am also a huge stan of Perfect Illusion and think its her best. But its also like a gateway to the sounds on Disease, at least out of her singles.

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Well this is hard, but I will say:

1. Bad romance

2. Disease

3. Aplausse

4. Born this way

5. Just dance

6. Perfect illusion 

7. Stupid love


Lemme say that I love all of them, except Stupid love. Even though I forced myself to like it back in the day, but it never clicked for me.

And Perfect Illusion is amazing and should rank it higher, but JD was more important historically that's why I put it number 6.

Now, BR will forever be number one I guess, because it brings so much memories back and nothing can compete with that. 

But I do have to say Disease is the perfect Gaga sound for me. As much as I appreciate all her different sides, both musically and aestethically, dark Gaga is my favorite by far.

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