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Adele faces backlash from Korean fans for using controversial Rising Sun Flag


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Adele is facing significant backlash from her Korean fans and media outlets due to the use of a controversial image during her concerts. The image in question, depicting the Rising Sun flag, has a deeply negative connotation for Koreans because of its historical association with Japan’s militarism and imperialism. The flag is considered highly offensive, akin to the swastika in Germany, due to the atrocities committed under its banner during Japan’s occupation of Korea and World War II. source

Videos of the concert quickly spread across social media, sparking a wave of angry reactions from Korean fans.

• “Crazy, like the Nazis..”

• “Ignorant”

• “There’s no way they didn’t know what the symbol was when it was so blatantly displayed. They could have just searched it.”

• “So ignorant. Or did the person in charge do it on purpose? Since they can’t use Nazi symbols in Germany, is this a substitute?”

• “Do they want to use the Nazi symbol in Germany but can’t, so they use the Rising Sun flag instead? It seems intentional rather than ignorant.”

• “Are they clueless because it’s an Eastern symbol? I tried to understand, but they should know about World War II. They can’t be ignorant about Japan, so why do they have no interest or understanding of the Rising Sun flag?”

• “This is insane…”

• “Ah… What’s this? I like Adele’s music, but why is she like this?”

• “Why can’t they use the Nazi symbol in Germany, but they use the war criminal flag?"

Edited by Teletubby
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I think it's very unintentional, the person who did this was looking for these optical illusions, like the one in ARTPOP's booklet

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I am pretty sure she did not know about this.

Also, I feel like Japan should be getting more sh*t for continuing to use this flag as their army/navy insignia. 

Is there some reason my LG7 isn't here? Has she died or something?
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That’s literally a design pattern. If it had the colors I’d get it but this is a reach

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Totally understandle that people are upset, but it's also very obviously an unintended coincidence.

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32 minutes ago, Decodekid said:

That’s literally a design pattern. If it had the colors I’d get it but this is a reach

It has flag shape, and the color scheme is red overall, I don't this it's a reach for Korean fans, but it must be unintentional because why would she did that for show in Munich? Made no sense.

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Head Empty

I used that pattern a couple of years ago (colored in red) when designing a bathing suit for my sisters :sweat:. I only found out now that it has historical implications at all.

Ignorant? Yes, definitely. Malevolent? No.

Edited by Head Empty
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this is the fact of history.
and i think adele totally has no reasons to offend asians but-

that rising sun flag are serious and critical as the swa*tika symbol to asian people, most asian countries that was colonized and plundered by japan hates it, especially to south korea and china, i can totally understand.

who made this backdrop are silly and unrespect as fvck, idk what reason you have to put this into the show? thats obviously unnecessary and stupid, some people can see it as a reach but for some asians, its a serious and dangerous issue.

adele can't be blamed overall but did she never noticed or supervised any backdrops or designs during the entire production of the shows?
imagining any asian artists/singers use a nazi symbol at a concert and when people criticizes and fvcks it they can just say: i dont know and i dont recognize what is that ¯\_(o_O)_/¯

tbh those who didnt know how serious about this flag really should back to college for history class, just googling Nanjing Massacre and Comfort Womens. those are some of the most serious and tragic incidents of imperialist aggression in human history that happened in china, south korea, taiwan and other asian countries/areas, it caused damages and negative impacts are no less than any of the nazism.

you should learn and you should know.

Edited by TAIPEI
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Reject False Icons

How can you put the blame on Adele, I know she’s the face of her team but It’s really surprising that some people think a mainstream artist like her does everything on her own even her tour backdrops with nobody else’s help 

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It takes two seconds of thinking to come to the conclusion Adele has zero reason to purposefully offend Korea :awkney: 

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I know it's not her fault, but her team should be more careful with these things because using that symbol is just as bad as if they used the Nazi symbol.

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1 hour ago, mrpanditarulez said:

It's a backlash based on misinformation by Anti-Japan Propagandists.

These are the facts: 



The fact that this symbol is older than the swastika and is still widely used in Japanese culture does not erase the fact that it was used when committing atrocities. Japan just never saw the same level of cultural scrutiny as Germany did. At least in the west. 


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