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Gaga's Adventures in Paris MEGATHREAD


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8 hours ago, LG7 time now said:

The way she stares at the paparazzi through her glasses like she’s threatening to k*** him :deadbanana: and then he asks her about Macron and her reaction is the new “not tonight! :cheeky:

that shot is straight from a horror movie istg lmao 

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7 hours ago, Schizophonic said:

imagine sitteing there, eating your croissant and she walks by...

I’d pass out if she just casually walked by and waved at me, like imagine recovering after that?! 

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10 hours ago, Juanlittlem said:

Can I offer him a (blow)job? :hor:

Sure you can. Slide into his dm's

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Let's hope he's here to stay, the choreographer job is still waiting from someone to take it for next era

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aw so wholesome ❤️ 

when you're lonely, I'll be lonely too / https://www.last.fm/user/SimonBaetens
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Love that person that shushed the know it wanna be vocalists

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8 hours ago, LG7 time now said:

It’s a reference to the Paris show where the whole crowd sang the end of ARUTW instead of her, she remembers. :traumatica:

:bradley: was there and it was the best moment

She / hers
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  • ARTPOPKISS changed the title to Gaga post video of Symone Biles

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