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Imo the first episode was horrible, i have never seen a worse talent show

Of course I will continue watching it but i was so extremely underwhelmed, that I will start episode 2 some days later

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At exactly 20:00 on Episode 2, Pythia is seen using the Haus Labs Stupid Love palette! It's chrome silver with heart stickers on to "cover" the logo/name. 

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  • episode 1 had an absolutely terrible talent show.
  • kween kong was my fave in down under and my fave to win going into this all star season but something about her is rubbing me the wrong way
  • kitty's talent show should've been an instant elimination
  • it is annoying season ru lose her mind for basic original song lipsyncs but then queens do something original and she does not give a single care
  • the new stage is eating the queens up and is a very distracting background
  • there are far too many cuts... its hard to watch
  • alyssa is the only one getting a good edit so far... they've presented her as so beyond the other queens


stream ritacadabra
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Episode 2, much better than episode 1 for me.

Talents, soo much better. Loved Eva's, Vanity (mama live vocals?? if true sounded amazing), Nehellenia, Gala, and Pythia! Only Tessa was awful, and it was still fun like werkkk give us nothing. 

Standout runways: Tessa, Eva, Vanity, Alyssa, Soa, Gala, Miranda, Kween (loved it actually!). Kitty was really awful. She's the worst of the season so far. 

Eva's contacts, beautiful, striking. I love yellow/golden/green eyes, my favorite forever.

Vanity's evolution from her Sweden talent show (sidubisdkjubgf which was like a protest of the talent show... DRAG is her talent, so cunty, and she had a point! to slayyying it!)

My top 2 would be Vanity and Eva, so I love the judging. 
I think Gala did great & looked great, but it felt like a teacher showing her students some moves, not really a performance? To me. If Nehellenia was in group 1 she would have been top 2. 

Lip sync was good, Vanity ate that. So happy for Miss VANITYYYY! Probably from the least watched season of every single franchise. 

I think it would be really cool (but very difficult for the queens) if each week the song was in one of their native languages.

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3 minutes ago, bionic said:

kitty's talent show should've been an instant elimination

so terrible! she got a very kind edit/reaction

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13 minutes ago, weed said:

so terrible! she got a very kind edit/reaction

when she said in her talking head she is hoping to be top2 i was thinking... bestie you should be BTM2.

that said, kween kong also had no business being top2 even tho she turned it out in the lipsync

Edited by bionic
stream ritacadabra
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4 minutes ago, bionic said:

when she said in her talking head she is hoping to be top2 i was thinking... bestie you should be BTM2.

that said, kween kong also had no business being top2 even tho she turned it out in the lipsync

And the girls were allegedly living for it while she performed.. I would have had a stank face!

Slim pickings for top 2 episode 1, Alyssa and could be anyone. 

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Vanity Vain won $10,000 which = 104k Swedish Krone. Her original season’s grand prize was 100,000 SEK :nooo:

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episode 2 toughts

  • i guess they did a split premiere because they didn't know how it would air, but they should've just made it a single feature length episode instead...
  • the constant 'coming up' is really annoying... probably not so bad on the broadcast but annoying on replay
  • the new set is just not working for me... the room with the mini challenge was just way too big and with too much going on
  • it really feels to me that ru doesn't really care for any of the ESOL queens lol. even when they are rewarded for doing well it doesn't compare to his treatment of the US, UK, AUS queens
  • nehellina... you will always be famous
  • alyssa continues to be the only main character of the season... 

    its giving lemon on canada vs the world

  • pythia's talent show almost as bad as the iced water one
  • nehellina and vanity's talent shows giving eurovision non-qualifier
  • i'd rather watch jasmine masters' talent performance than tessa tickle's
  • eva la queen was the best of a bad bunch... but still pretty terrible...
  • pole dancing was cool but still very... low energy?
  • alyssa's runways are a step above everyone elses... kitty's are a step below everyone else's...
  • vanity dressed as judas lady gaga for the lipsync. clock that tea
  • a really weak lipsync this week IMO... but i would've given eva the win



early days but alyssa and kween kong feel like the only contenders atm...


stream ritacadabra
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I just had to delete a comment I made on tik tok about Kween Kong and Kitty. I said that one thing is being confident in your talents and another is looking the other girls like they are nothing and you are above them. It had 2500+ likes and I deleted it because people were too harsh on both of them.

Let's see if things chance in the next episodes. 


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6 hours ago, Sanju said:

Episode 2 is already out??  :shocked:

I think they did a double premiere since it was just the talent show for all the girls 

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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4 hours ago, Levine said:

I just had to delete I made on tik tok about Kween Kong and Kitty. I said that one thing is being confident in your talents and another is looking the other like they are nothing are above them. It had 2500+ likes and I deleted it because people were too harsh on both of them.

Let's see if things chance in the next episodes. 


nah you're right you're right

especially for kitty who was a distant 3rd place in UK3 and is like one of the bottom tier queens in GAS too :toofunny: 

stream ritacadabra
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Watching episode 1 and phew that talent show was a mess... Alyssa and Miranda were the best. Kween Kong served nothing im sorry, Kitty was HORRIBLE, the rest was unremarkable at best :rip: The runway was good, some looks were great tbh.

It's clear that the judges are clicking mucb more with the queens they already know which is... no ma'am. Ru fighting back tears while talking to Alyssa was wild :ladyhaha:

Edited by alsemanche
Soft, soothing, and succulent
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