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Joaquin Phoenix, Jewish figures, support Jonathan Glazer’s pro-Gaza Oscars Speech


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Omar Vela
6 hours ago, DitaDolla said:

I am not very educated on this on-going war, but as a jewish person myself, seeing a man who made a film about the holocaust say THAT, doesn’t sit right with me. Especially when antisemitism attacks are at an all time high since the holocaust.

You can support the palestinian people AND not deny your identity.

for some reason, people (especially LGBT and feminists) are supporting Palestine as a country instead of just their people. Palestine as a government should not be supported especially by minorities nor women who are the ones in constant danger thanks to the awful anti-human right laws that the country have. 

The people should be supported, neither them or israel people should pass throught the nightmare that they are having right now.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Omar Vela said:

for some reason, people (especially LGBT and feminists) are supporting Palestine as a country instead of just their people. Palestine as a government should not be supported especially by minorities nor women who are the ones in constant danger thanks to the awful anti-human right laws that the country have. 

The people should be supported, neither them or israel people should pass throught the nightmare that they are having right now.

Supporting Palestine as a country? That alone shows you little you know about the conflic, Palestinians have demanding a state for decades and the very essential core of this conflict is because Palestine is not recognize as a state by the world and that Palestinians don't have a country with recognized borders and sovereignty as Israel keeps expanding illegal colonies in the West Bank (the area where Palestinian Authority want as a state). So yeah, it may hurt you but fighting for the Palestinians and their right to freedom and self-determination means exactly them having a state, which is why there's been talks on a two-state solution for years, if you heard.

As for the LGBT, a simple Google research will show you that Palestine doesn't criminalize being gay and that there are no punishments imposed for being gay, yes, it's a social taboo and isn't viewed as a rights movement as in the West, but you discrediting Palestinians' right for a state because you can't hold the rainbow flag there is ridiculous.

And I'm not even going to comment on the Palestine is against women claim because this is even a more stupid statement than the one above. Do a little search before you post nonsense.

What's next? Palestinians don't have cars and ride camels? Hollywood messed with y'all minds a bit too much.


But given that you have been reacting LMAO to my posts shows you little care about Palestinians too.

Edited by Bambino
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8 hours ago, Omar Vela said:

for some reason, people (especially LGBT and feminists) are supporting Palestine as a country instead of just their people. Palestine as a government should not be supported especially by minorities nor women who are the ones in constant danger thanks to the awful anti-human right laws that the country have. 

The people should be supported, neither them or israel people should pass throught the nightmare that they are having right now.

I think you meant the government right? I think it'd be better to clarify that.

Because obviously I think we all support the creation of a Palestinian state, even if we're critical of Hamas (the current government of Gaza), simply because the presence of a terrorist group in a country, or the lack of human rights doesn't invalidate people's right to self-determination. If we held that view, many countries wouldn't have a right to exist today, including Russia,  North Korea etc...

Edited by Dennis
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23 hours ago, Dennis said:

Yeah, for example, let's send the Yemeni Jews back to Yemen, from which they were expelled 70 years ago and which is now controlled by a terrorist organization that literally has "curse the Jews" in its official slogan.

this would definitely not be genocide and ethnic cleansing :flop:

I'm baffled how you spread the Nazi 2.0 brainwashing of the IDF but you do you.

english is not my native language >.<
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23 hours ago, Aren said:

Where do you think Jewish people come from? If we’re being technical, Jews are the indigenous people of the land and Arabs the colonizers. But of course no one, Jew or Arab, should be ‘sent back to their countries’.

Most Israelis? From Europe. Everybody knows that, and no, we anti-zionists aren't talking about native Jews.

english is not my native language >.<
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12 minutes ago, misha4ever said:

Most Israelis? From Europe. Everybody knows that, and no, we anti-zionists aren't talking about native Jews.



The largest Jewish ethnic group in Israel, about 40% to 45% of the country’s total population, is called Mizrahi, which means “Eastern” in Hebrew. Mizrahi Jews’ ancestors hailed from Jewish communities in the Middle East, including Israel itself.

Arab Israelis, who make up 20% to 25% of the population.

Do the math and you get 60-70% of the Israeli population being middle easterners.

I know how y'all try to frame Israelis as just "White european colonizers", but the truth is different from the narrative you're trying to build. This is a mostly a Middle Eastern population. Their ancestors lived in the middle east for a very long time.

Edited by Dennis
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