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So I was finally able to listen to the album in it's entirety.

I ****ing love it. :cry:

Talk That Talk sounds like Black & Yellow mixed with Roll Up.

...don't drop song titles unless you actually know how those songs sound :ROLL:

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Downloading now. I am fully prepared to be slain.

Okay... tis downloaded. I'll post my reactions live as I listen :legend:

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01. You Da One - tumblr_lbp3urO3M71qzjix8.gif Pretty catchy... not single quality IMO - not sure why they chose it to be the 2nd single... Not a great first impression to the album, either... two generic Dr. Luke tracks. Come on.

02. Where Have You Been - Unbelievably annoying... :ROLL:

03. We Found Love - tumblr_lt8epbxrIK1r4vh9ro1_500.gif:party: Perfect lead single from the album - bangin' track 'yo. :flop:

04. Talk That Talk feat. Jay-Z - Jay-Z was totally unneeded. His voice is insanely annoying. Why is he even famous? "Had it by a bladder / She like, oh I gotta pee / Ran into a rocko in my restroom / Singer slash actress in my bedroom" :toofloppy:

05. Cockiness (Love It) - tumblr_lukvlenSIG1qc4tw8.gif

06. Birthday Cake - tumblr_lukjal5Vez1r1f8qo.gif There HAS to be a full version of this coming. The fade is just too odd.

07. We All Want Love - tumblr_lujxstNE9i1qdjpvs.gif Standout track thus far. Her vocals during the chorus :legend: This sounds like a song I would totally jam out to in the car.

08. Drunk On Love - tumblr_lukudj9xZd1qgt93z.gif Te Amo part 2 tbh... Not a bad song but nothing terribly groundbreaking at all. The beat really reminds me too much of Te Amo though.

09. Roc Me Out - tumblr_lsybo0ZT0C1r40ds2o1_250.gif Getting "Rude Boy" vibes from this song for some reason... not quite sure how I feel about it. I can see it being a club smash though - potential 3rd single?

10. Watch N Learn - tumblr_li2nzfsy701qfvuos.gif INSANELY. ANNOYING. EARS. BLEEDING. MAKE. IT. STOP.

11. Farewell - tumblr_lls2j5wNWg1qdd039.gif I love these types of tracks. Kinda reminds me of California King Bed/Fading.

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Jessie Mulay

...don't drop song titles unless you actually know how those songs sound :ROLL:

Maybe you should listen to them again, you :flop:

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Ok so my thoughts on TTT

You Da One - Probably the worst track on the album, still can't believe she released it as the second single

Where Have You Been - AMAZING! Should definitely be the 3rd single!

Talk That Talk - Should have been the second single. She clearly wanted an RnB song as the 2nd single to differentiate it from the first single, so she should have chosen this instead of YDO

Cockiness - Amazing! 

Birthday Cake - -_- still so pissed off it only goes for 1:18, so ****ing stupid! It's one of the best tracks on the album!

We All Want Love - I like it, it's not my favourite though, it's just an album track to me, it doesn't really stand out, but it's the best uptempo ballad. 

Drunk on Love - It's pretty much Complicated pt. 2 but nowhere near as good haha. It's got all the screaming and repetition like Complicated. 

Roc Me Out - 4th single for sure! It sounds a lot like a Killer Love left over though haha. But it's the only dancey/pop commercial song left on the album to use as a single. Cause I doubt Cockiness will be a single with all the explicit lyrics. 

Watch n' Learn - Still a bit undecided, it's good but it's very ANNOYINGGG! Haha. I can't listen to the whole song, I think it goes a little too long. 

Farewell - meh! It's ok, It's on the same level as YDO for me, it's definitely one of the worst on the album. 

Now all I need is Red Lipstick and life is complete haha. It's sounds soooo good!

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Talk That Talk sounds like Black & Yellow mixed with Roll Up.

This so ****ing much. Jay-Z's verse and the instrumental = Black & Yellow imo

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I kinda wish they put Birthday Cake before Cockiness. It flows a bit better.

Have the deluxe tracks leaked yet?


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