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Nicki leaks her tour stage


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I've seen the recent clips and she really is one of the worst live performers I've ever seen. It's like she popped half a pill right before going on stage because by song 3 she's laying on the ground rolling not even pretending to lipsync.

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I saw her on her last tour and went in with very low expectations and was surprised how good it ended up being. I expected lazy vocals and giving 50% but she really gave it her all. I think the award shows and one-off side gigs don’t do her justice of when she actually puts on her own show. 

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3 hours ago, gypsygay said:

I saw her on her last tour and went in with very low expectations and was surprised how good it ended up being. I expected lazy vocals and giving 50% but she really gave it her all. I think the award shows and one-off side gigs don’t do her justice of when she actually puts on her own show. 

Idk about you but any live performance shouldn’t be half assed no matter what, especially when you’re trying to sell out venues for your tour. It’s like making nasty food and trying to sell plates on Facebook. 

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Addison Rae

is she going to be lying on the floor the whole time kicking her leg up occasionally or

sitting on his lap sipping diet pepsi
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