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Matpat retires from YouTube


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i used to watch him when i was younger. and a few other lifestyle/beauty channels. crazy how all of them gone now. end of an era indeed. 

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For me, the Theorists channels lost their soul the day Steph left GTlive.

I'll always cherish the memories of the claps-and-a-half, stabs-and-a-half and the sprinkler times.

Time. It will not wait, no matter how hard you hold on...
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Wow he's still hot :air:  and I didn't realise he was 37. This is triggering because all this change and growing up has been hitting me the past couple years and it's scary.

It's funny how when you're young you are oblivious to the scale of that inevitable change that happens over time. You kinda think that, for example, YouTube will stay exactly how it is forever and you'll be 80 years old watching Jenna Marbles glue things onto her face. Or rather you just don't even think about everything changing, because you aren't aware that it's going to happen. And then it starts to happen and it's like oh no I don't like this. And then one day Jenna is gone, along with most of the OG's, and the ones who remain aren't getting views and their stars have faded and it's just all different

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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As sad as it is he wont be on the channel anymore, I see this as a win for him. He did what he loved and built an amazing life for himself and now gets to retire at 37 and spend the rest of his life in luxury with his family, That's incredible.

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A lot of famous and successful YouTubers are taking a break/hiatus this year. 







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