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Yvie Oddly drags Drag Race producers


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2 hours ago, Omar Vela said:

I laugh so hard everytime a DRAG QUEEN says something against capitalism lol like girl, if it wasn't for that system you could NEVER do your art at the level you're used to. Even the phone that she is using to complaint (like she always does) is in his hands thanks to the system she hates so much...

Hope Yvie (one of the worst winners of DR) someday will use that energy for her art 

Did throwing capitalism in that first sentence make you feel like you ate? Shows how little you know about drag queens in general if you think most of them profit under capitalism lol

I am not even going to respond to the last sentence LMFAO

Until then, this is Elvira saying unpleasant dreams.
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What is going on with some of these responses? Are y'all ok?

First of all, there's no need to diminish Yvie's win. All of y'all doing that as a form of rebuttal to Yvie's comments look childish and immature. Like come on. "Oh, you hate the producers of Drag Race and the conditions the queens have to go through throughout the competition? Well you're one of the worst winners and Brooke Lynn should've won!". Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Yvie brought up very real and valid points. Most of the information she said isn't exactly new, but that doesn't make it any less valid. We know that the queens get treated poorly during filming, we know the show doesn't have the best track record when it comes to inclusive representation, and we know that the producers (like every executive in Hollywood) does the show for the money and not really to elevate drag. Yvie's right when she says that the lifeblood of the show has always been about the queens and their art. 

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Isn't this the way most US companies operate in general? Wouldn't expect much more from WOW. 

Not to disregard Yvie's experiences. 

Dragrace really lost it's shine for me. It's so clear who the favorites are for one thing. The bits are never really funny anymore. I still watch it for the queens I love, but I hope they give it a break for a bit and refresh and reboot, but I doubt they ever will.

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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1 hour ago, Hold My Ham said:

 if her parents kick her out of their basement, she'll change her tune

Throwing the same argument that homophobics people does and use to harm others

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ok this is going to be a Tedtalk but I need to get this off my chest .... Drag Race had the most cultural impact when it was a show that wasn't afraid to take itself too seriously and showcase the contestants' true vulnerability: season one to 10 imo. It still is a cool show and the only competition show I'm still watching and am interested in but witnessing its journey to become a money making machine season per season where it seems it lives only off its gags and twists and incredible outfits, as every tv format becomes that was once original and popular , is kind of depressing to me and I genuinely think maybe people would take queer culture more seriously nowadays when they could see it being represented more by the vulnerability that our culture comes from and that show so beautifully conveyed once and the humour it used to showcase much braver and looser than the topics it consists of today which are mostly fabricated nowadays anyway ... the queens all feel so much pressure it's such a pity when in fact Drag Race seemed to be a tv show where every queen wanted to be cast on because it was a space where they can be themselves and show bravery in it. That way the whole show was such a unique space full of fun and over top personalities in its best possible way

if this show can only "survive" and be produced by people that don't allow themself that authenticity anymore which made it so popular in the first place then it's no wonder that contestants don't feel portrayed authentically in today's edit  ... I mean there are always people that will complain but back then it seemed that EVERYONE wanted to become a contestant not only because it was a fresh and new, unique thing and a matter of queer represantation on a scale that was next level but mostly because it was made sure that the represantation of their stories will be  in an authentic way on a authentic platform for millions of people to witness and for most of these people it was made sure that they see queer real live stories in a very vulnerable and grounded way so they can understand and feel empathy for that culture for the first time maybe..  that made this show so beautiful and this is the roots of RuPauls Drag Race.. comparing those seasons back then to the seasons today .... it's day and night 


now it's just way too superficial and reiterates and represents exactly that side of our culture which makes people outside of it think being queer is something over the top and most importantly: negligble in times when there is desparate need for things that should be more important... that way it's a perfect target for polticians to earn their sympathy points when they know that liberals will only try to take hold of their beliefs in the LGBT community stronger it gets instrumentalized by them in their own manipulative narrations. But the real problem is that the liberals and political leaders who are here to defend our rights and try to implement more of that representation comes from a place that we as queer people feel disconnected and maybe even downgraded to "mainstream" , commcerialized standards that its pictures that representation consists of is not resilient enough from the manipulative narratives by the right. Meaning, RuPaul's Drag Race in its 2023 form is much less resilient to defend a right politician saying "you are oversexualized" than RPDR in 2011, where people could much more witness the "behind the masquerade" and understand the human behind the Drag persona better because it was simply more authentically produced. That way also liberals who are allies defend that washed out queer representation which has become "inauthentic" to the reality, the daily business of everday LGBQ+ people but way too much focussed on the showbusiness (hypercommercial) LGBTQ representation that even people who try to be with us in this fight get irritated about sometimes....

I think if earlier seasons were airing TODAY for the first time the impact of it could make maaany people rethink their prejudices towards the LGBT community and heavily push back the negative narrations that come from the right. It seems like for Drag Race for example it has lost much of its own power to read when in fact... reading is fundamental

fan-tas-tique, chic, freak, slaaaay
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Roughhouse Dandy

The random pro-capitalism sentiment that jumped out in the thread took me ALL the way out. Y'all are tew metch 

This is my Hannah Montana™️ lipgloss.
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this can be said about any show - the stars are what make these shows...... 

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8 hours ago, BBhomemaker said:

Throwing the same argument that homophobics people does and use to harm others

1. she actually lives in her parents' basement

2. what? everyone uses that argument. lmao

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If You Say So Shrug GIF


Are any of us surprised at this point?

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Omar Vela
On 5/30/2023 at 1:48 PM, Fantina said:

Did throwing capitalism in that first sentence make you feel like you ate? Shows how little you know about drag queens in general if you think most of them profit under capitalism lol

I am not even going to respond to the last sentence LMFAO

nothing is more capitalist than selling yourself, that's what drag queens and artists in general do. Still funny how you complaint about a system that let's you do this kind of comments on a forum with a smartphone in your hands


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