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Ranking Chromatica (2023)


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How would you ranking the album Chromatica now? 

This is my favorite album from Gaga of all time, and I doubt soon another album would take this place.

So my ranking is:

1. Rain On Me
2. Free Woman
3. 1000 Doves
4. 911
5. Plastic Doll
6. Love Me Right
7. Alice
8. Fun Tonight
9. Babylon
10. Sour Candy
11. Stupid Love
12. Enigma
13. Sine From Above
14. Replay 

Rain On Me GIF by Lady Gaga

It takes a smart brunette to play a dumb blonde.
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Yaaaas Gaga

1) Free Woman

2) Enigma

3) Rain on Me

4) Stupid Love

5) Alice

6) Babylon

7) Replay

8) 911

9) Fun Tonight

10) Plastic Doll

11) 1000 Doves

12) Sine from Above

13) Sour Candy

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The correct placements would be:

1. Replay
2. Enigma
3. Babylon
4. Rain On Me
5. 911
6. Alice
7. Fun Tonight
8. Free Woman
9. Sour Candy
10. Stupid Love
11. Sine From Above
12. 1000 Doves 


So long ggd, it was nice while it lasted.
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1 minute ago, Pennywise said:

The correct placements would be:

1. Replay
2. Enigma
3. Babylon
4. Rain On Me
5. 911
6. Alice
7. Fun Tonight
8. Free Woman
9. Sour Candy
10. Stupid Love
11. Sine From Above
12. 1000 Doves 


And that's why you're pennywise, the original *clown*

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A Very Gaga Holida

Replay (7/10)

Babylon (6/10)

Stupid Love (6/10)

Enigma (6/10)

Alice (6/10)

Sour Candy (6/10)

911 (5/10)

Rain On Me (5/10)

1000 Doves (5/10)

Sine From Above (5/10)

Fun Tonight (5/10)
Free Woman (3/10)

Plastic Doll / Love Me Right (you can guess)


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SFA deserves better in all your rankings :messga:


1. Replay
2. Alice
3. Sine From Above
4. 911
5. Rain On Me
6. Sour Candy
7. Babylon
8. Fun Tonight
9. Stupid Love
10. 1000 Doves
11. Plastic Doll 
12. Free Woman
13. Enigma

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57 minutes ago, Yaaaas Gaga said:

1) Free Woman

Taste :holdmyhand:

It takes a smart brunette to play a dumb blonde.
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Sine From Above 




Rain On Me 


Stupid Love

Fun Tonight

Plastic Doll

1000 Doves 

Free Woman

Sour Candy

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Pop perfection :firega: :tony:
1: Replay
2: Alice
3: 911
4: Rain On Me
Bops :pawsup: :kiss:
5: Enigma
6: Fun Tonight
7: Stupid Love
Good :staymad:
8: Plastic Doll
9: Sour Candy
Ok :trollga:
10: Sine From Above
11: Babylon
Meh :excusemeno: :enigma:
12: Free Woman
13: 1000 Doves

Still a very cool album until now 

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1. Enigma :firega:

2. 1000 Doves (Piano version) - I'm counting it because it should have been on the album, the injustice :fthis:

3. Alice

4. Rain on Me

5. 911

6. Replay 

7. Love Me Right

8. Sine From Above

9. Babylon

10. Fun Tonight

11. Free Woman

12. Sour Candy

13. 1000 Doves

14. Stupid Love

14. Plastic Doll 

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1. Rain On Me
2. Free Woman
3. Stupid Love
4. Alice
5. 911
6. Fun Tonight
7. Replay
8. Enigma
9. Babylon
10. Love Me Right
11. 1000 Doves
12. Plastic Doll
13. Sine From Above
14. Sour Candy 

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holy scheisse

1. 911

2. Free woman 

3. rain on me 

4. Replay 

5. fun tonight 

6. stupid love 

7. 1000 doves

8. Sine from above 

9. sour candy 

10. enigma

11. Alice

12. Plastic doll 

13. Babylon 

14. love me right (I’ve only listened to it like twice lol)

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1. Replay

2. 911

3. Rain on Me

4. Babylon

5. Alice

6. Enigma

7. Sour Candy

8. Stupid Love

9. Free Woman

10. Sine from Above

11. Fun Tonight

12. Plastic Doll








13. 1,000 Doves

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1. Replay
2. Sour Candy
3. Babylon
4. 911
5. Sine From Above
6. Rain On Me
7. Alice
8. Enigma
9. 1000 Doves 
10. Plastic Doll
11. Stupid Love
12. Free Woman
13. Fun Tonight

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