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Rolling Stone: Crew members claim The Idol is chaos behind the scenes

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Cameltoe Chariot
44 minutes ago, InTheCloset said:

Not sure about this but i hope its true


Girl this is a joke, Andrew Dominik directed that mess of a "movie" Blonde :alsemanche:

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I have a feeling they are exaggerating just for publicity... and people who did not care will probably tune in now!

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President Biden

:saladga:How long until Sam Levinson is revealed to be like Armie Hammer 2.0 and finally gets axed??


Also idgaf that movie studios blow $75m and scrap content. Like whatever, their poor business decision. It’s not taxpayer dollars or anything…

I got drunk
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holy scheisse

I have faith that Dan levy wouldn’t condone such a terrible production so his involvement makes me think this is exagerated lol 


I’ll eat my words tho if wrong

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as if SA isn't already normalized enough

what fücking losers

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5 hours ago, LaFama said:

After all the Euphoria drama and now this, Sam Levinson seems to be somewhat of a . . . conflictive person :green:

What was Euphoria drama?

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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1 hour ago, Teletubby said:


Yeah you could tell the acting is gonna be horrible. :laughga:

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17 hours ago, The Powerpuff Girl said:

What was Euphoria drama?

When season 2 came out people noticed how little screen time Kat had and Barbie, the actress, wasn't there for the premiere. Later it was reported that she and Sam had some trouble on set, since apparently he wanted Kat to have an ED storyline, but she wasn't comfortable with that, so basically, as a punishment, he cut her out as much as he could from the show. A few months back she said that she won't be returning for season 3. 


He also faced some criticizim for how overtly sexual the show was, since it's a story about teenagers. Sydney said the he was always open tone it down, but she also said the he wanted her to be topless and to be showing a lot more than we saw on the episodes released. 


And general consensus is that he isn't a very good writer, since the story for season 2 seemed to be botched and rushed, which is, apparently, the same happening with The Idol. And there's been some talks about misoginy, but as far as I know, that's people making assumptions according to the treatment some characters got.  

Its not a fedora u f*ck
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