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Netflix anti-password rules were posted by mistake


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Netflix says strict new password sharing rules were posted in error


"Now, however, those rules have been removed from Netflix's help pages. According to The Streamable, Netflix says it was all a mistake — for the United States.

"For a brief time yesterday, a help center article containing information that is only applicable to Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru, went live in other countries," a Netflix spokesperson told the publication. "We have since updated it."

So these rules are in place, just in those countries. But Netflix estimates that 100 million users are not paying, and it is also losing subscribers, to the tune of 200,000 in just the first quarter of 2022.

Consequently, Netflix has said it will end password sharing in early 2023. So whether this was a mistake or it was some test of public response, these rules or similar ones are likely to be coming soon.

Separately, as another part of attempting to stem the loss to non-paying subscribers, Netflix launched a new, lower-cost $6.99/month Basic tier with adverts, in November 2022."

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Nnnnnn it’s giving Rita Ora claiming someone hacked her account after her tweet got hardly any likes :air: 

insta: good_lukeing | I have nothing else to promote
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So they realized that it's a bad move and are now backtracking :billie:

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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They trained all their US support staff to answer questions about this “accident” :marges:

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Netflix they are so annoying, it feels like harrasment at this point so i really hope they fall and some other big streaming company rises with common sense rules 

Quizás bastaba respirar, sólo respirar, muy lento...💙
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SO basically they posted the rules, got a bunch of their customers rightfully complaining and expressing their discontent for the company, then they got cold feet and decided to recant and are playing it off as if it was an error. Ok.

I hate them lol


currently streaming Disease
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It’s even worst, there’s a lot of poverty in these countries and sharing a password is the only way to pay fir netflix for many… simply disgusting.

i hope the backlash will not end now when it’s seem irrelevant for the U atm.

His fart felt like a kiss
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