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So....with the make over, is there any footage OR HQ photos from the enw HML performance? People say her choreography changed and stuff but i cant find any footage on Youtube...

And because HML is my jam and my all time favorite Gaga performance i just need to find some stuff today haha

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I like how she 'blends' more now with the motorcycle :flutter: just like the first show in South Korea wherr she had to use black leggins.

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I hate it when people are recording the screen, at you can see her properly, from different angles, in reasonably good quality...then they turn away from in and record 97% of the performance from far away, not zoomed in...in crappy quality...

Is it just me that annoys? More people need to get good quality recordings of the screens! :sick: :cryga:

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LittIe Monster

I hate it when people are recording the screen, at you can see her properly, from different angles, in reasonably good quality...then they turn away from in and record 97% of the performance from far away, not zoomed in...in crappy quality...

Is it just me that annoys? More people need to get good quality recordings of the screens! :sick::cryga:

You're not alone. :crossed: I hate it when they do that. But I think what drives them to do that is the fact that GAGA is in their eye sight and they're just like omgowmeomgewomwegom let me record her and stuff and not the screen.

I'm try not do the same mistake for my show :smh: I love the angles in the screen. :legend:

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