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Bad Bunny under fire for throwing away a fan’s phone


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19 minutes ago, RihBeyGa said:

Not cool of him 

but also not cool of the fan either 

edit: LMFAO the way the vibe CHANGED after he did that .  Ok a bit extra of him. He should’ve told her please leave me alone first . Or let his guards do their job . **** move on his part .  Glad Gaga has always remained gracious in these situations .

I remember something similar happening to Gaga! A “fan” was filming her and another fan talking and they didn’t want to be recorded and she firmly told them to stop. I think security made them delete the footage?

Please someone else tell me they remember this too cause it was lowkey funny lol.

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From the video of the incident that we have it looks like he never gave any indication that he was annoyed, in fact it looks like he was smiling. It looks like it may have even been thrown into a body of water so how is she supposed to retrieve it? Just lost some respect for him, not cool.

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1 minute ago, AshIey said:

I remember something similar happening to Gaga! A “fan” was filming her and another fan talking and they didn’t want to be recorded and she firmly told them to stop. I think security made them delete the footage?

Please someone else tell me they remember this too cause it was lowkey funny lol.

I remember that, It was funny but also awkward. I would hate to of witnessed that :messga:

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If Rihanna did that to some dude I don't think people would be mad at her :partysick: 

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Don’t act like y’all wouldn’t do the same exact thing if a STRANGER was all up in your space with a camera pointed at you.

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18 minutes ago, Bonkers said:

I would love to know Gaga's secret reaction to seeing that.

I bet she liked it. :teehee:

i just know she's at home seething that she can't do the same since she made kindness her brand

mother, what must i do?
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Future Lovers

It’s easy for y’all to say he was wrong when you don’t have to deal with what he does. 

She was treating him as if he was her property to touch, invade upon, and do with what she pleases so she can’t complain when he reacts negatively to it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 

Maybe in the future fans will learn to back off. 

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Future Lovers
8 minutes ago, Concertaholic said:

From the video of the incident that we have it looks like he never gave any indication that he was annoyed, in fact it looks like he was smiling. It looks like it may have even been thrown into a body of water so how is she supposed to retrieve it? Just lost some respect for him, not cool.

Well I mean firstly we only see a snapshot of the event, we don’t know how he was acting before. 

Secondly, he shouldn’t have to tell someone he’s annoyed, they should not be invading his space without him saying that it is okay to do so. 

Thirdly, perhaps he was fine until she crossed a boundary. People’s emotions can change fast, especially in high pressure situations. 

And finally, he doesn’t owe her respect she has not earned. Had she behaved differently, the results would have probably been different. He is a person, not her personal property, she doesn’t just get to get all over him and shove things in his face. Actions have consequences and now she’s gotta deal with it. Hopefully she learned a lesson about respect and personal space. 

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21 minutes ago, AshIey said:

I remember something similar happening to Gaga! A “fan” was filming her and another fan talking and they didn’t want to be recorded and she firmly told them to stop. I think security made them delete the footage?

Please someone else tell me they remember this too cause it was lowkey funny lol.

Yes!’ Gaga made them delete it . Gaga used her words and communicated and instructed the fan to delete the footage.  Imagine if she threw their device LOL

Pronounced like “Balenciaga” . Emphasis on the “Ga”
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FFXIV WhiteMage
34 minutes ago, Dayman said:

   Nah he’s fine. Look at it this way - if this exact scenario played out but he was just some random guy off the street the reaction would not be seen as “rude” it would be seen as a play stupid games win stupid prizes scenario. No amount of fame or money should suddenly invalidate the simple concept of letting a human being have their personal space and to be respected. He may be an entertainer, but he is just trying to walk there - off the clock so to speak. He shouldn’t be treated like an object.

   This applies to any and all entertainers. The mentality that because they are rich and famous means they have to be holier than thou and respect people who clearly do not respect them or even treat them as human is honestly disgusting - and then when they speak out about it they get treated in an almost victim blaming way “well why did they become famous then?” Like damn didn’t know wanting to sing and perform and make people happy suddenly means you stop being a human being…

His action was understandable but he should pay for any damage incurred. 

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46 minutes ago, mrpanditarulez said:

Adiós Bad Bunny, te irá mejor cancelado 🤭 

kim kardashian GIF

Finally, he's unbearable :trollga:

And I really can't understand those people defending him, there was 100 cooler ways to appart her, he owes everything to his fans, because he has 0 talent, periodTTTT

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27 minutes ago, FFXIV WhiteMage said:

His action was understandable but he should pay for any damage incurred. 


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31 minutes ago, ELECTROHEART said:

Finally, he's unbearable :trollga:

And I really can't understand those people defending him, there was 100 cooler ways to appart her, he owes everything to his fans, because he has 0 talent, periodTTTT

Oh oh guys the Talent police is in town. Clearly Electroheart here knows everything about talent since they are successful at doing what again? 


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