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I'm not specifically asking for a letter, a campaign would be much better.

Two of your points seem contradictory I think. :huh: If Gaga is taking on the role as an activist, and like you said, make the album and launch a charity in dedication to anti-bullying efforts, doesn't that also mean she has the responsibility to influence/raise awareness? The majority of her fans are juvenile, a lot are immature and have some learning to do (adolescents are not known to be the most self-aware age group :smh:). Gaga can speak to them through a cultural lens about the power of words and this can be a lot of fun and hilarious too. :lala: Gaga has changed many lives already, if she cannot influence (some) people to treat each other kindly, then why make herself a part of a foundation that is devoted to spreading kindness?

A campaign? The Born This Way Foundation not good enough?

She has been responsible and raising awareness about these issues, as someone who works as an entertainer... not a teacher, your parent, or a counselor.

If you acknowledge that the majority of her fans are juvenile, then you know full well that she can't control what they put out on their little Twitter and Facebook accounts in this "This is the internet" culture.

The point of the Born This Way Foundation is to encourage self involvement in the cases of anti bullying. By engaging in bullying, fans contradict that notion by their actions. Those actions are not her responsibility, but theirs.

Just like people here go around saying, "they don't have to like everything Gaga says or does," there are people in this fan base that hardly give a **** about the message or any notion of limiting their prized ability to freely talk **** about people as they'll reference that freedom of speech slogan even though hate speech, defamation, and threats are not always protected. There are consequences in business or social settings for those actions.

If these threats occur on Twitter and Facebook, why aren't those social media sites monitoring those posts and reprimanding those that engage them?

This is the same sort of logic that people use to blame the President when he isn't able to get all done what he tried to accomplish in a four year term. Many bills go through Congress and there is a lot of stalling and bickering over items before they even arrive at the President's desk to sign it. They can blame a President if he vetoes or signs a law then. However, is it his fault if someone in the Democratic party failed to back him up? Is it his fault that the Republican party are full of dicks?

Why is the blame and responsibility bestowed to Gaga, when the wrongdoing was done by "some" fans who obviously didn't give a **** about or fully grasp her message?

Dancing in the Shadow... 🖤
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A campaign? The Born This Way Foundation not good enough?

She has been responsible and raising awareness about these issues, as someone who works as an entertainer... not a teacher, your parent, or a counselor.

If you acknowledge that the majority of her fans are juvenile, then you know full well that she can't control what they put out on their little Twitter and Facebook accounts in this "This is the internet" culture.

The point of the Born This Way Foundation is to encourage self involvement in the cases of anti bullying. By engaging in bullying, fans contradict that notion by their actions. Those actions are not her responsibility, but theirs.

Just like people here go around saying, "they don't have to like everything Gaga says or does," there are people in this fan base that hardly give a **** about the message or any notion of limiting their prized ability to freely talk **** about people as they'll reference that freedom of speech slogan even though hate speech, defamation, and threats are not always protected. There are consequences in business or social settings for those actions.

If these threats occur on Twitter and Facebook, why aren't those social media sites monitoring those posts and reprimanding those that engage them?

This is the same sort of logic that people use to blame the President when he isn't able to get all done what he tried to accomplish in a four year term. Many bills go through Congress and there is a lot of stalling and bickering over items before they even arrive at the President's desk to sign it. They can blame a President if he vetoes or signs a law then. However, is it his fault if someone in the Democratic party failed to back him up? Is it his fault that the Republican party are full of dicks?

Why is the blame and responsibility bestowed to Gaga, when the wrongdoing was done by "some" fans who obviously didn't give a **** about or fully grasp her message?

I am not saying at all that Gaga is responsible for her fan's messages, but that she has the responsibility to raise awareness about bullying as she is a self-professed activist and launching a campaign within the BTWF (similar to Body Revolution) might be a cool idea for her to consider.

Facebook and Twitter are not organizations with social agendas. They are only a medium for speech.

I do not think she is obligated to "fix" her fanbase to achieve wildly idealistic and unfeasible standards, but it would be nice for her to try different philosophies that can help promote a kinder and braver world.

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The problem is in the fan base. I've realised a major changes in fans between TMB and the BTWB, and tbh Gaga has a bit of a fault in it. When the 'Monster Pit Rules ' were introduced madness started. Fans who didn't make it in the pit were frustrated and for some the BTWB experience wasn't about being free and celebrating who you are, but it felt like a race, as to whom will make it to the pit and who will go backstage to meet Gaga. Favouritism is psychological bullying, if one looks at it that way.

As a motherly figure, Gaga gives out good advice, some will follow, some will fall off the wagon. I don't believe that she is responsible for fans threatening celebs, but a tweet addressing this issue wouldn't hurt. I also think that Gaga does an excellent job as a youth activist and as we know she helped/saved lives of many.

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First off: KELLY started the whole thing by calling Gaga pregnant/fat - - which she has done w/ other celebs before eg. Cristina Aguilera - she starts the whole mess w/ her nasty comments and then it's Sharon to the rescue.

Also - aren't Kelly and Gaga about the same age? so for Mama Osbourne to jump in and start meddling as much as she has is just ridiculous. SO glad that Cynthia has wisely stayed out of this - if only to show who has more class.

Gaga's open letter to Kelly was PERFECT! It hit on all of Kelly's hypocrisy as one previously criticized for being fat.

Sharon's letter about Gaga's meat dress and the "real world" was totally irrelevant and illogical. She just wanted to publicly bash Gaga.

Remember their show? well, they're not exactly the most upstanding, sound-minded people - - so, why are they so quick to get all high & mighty and judgemental - - and of Gaga??? What did she ever do to them?

the only thing Sharon was a little right about was basically requesting a tweet from Gaga telling her LM's to stop attacking Kelly - - then again, that would've been Gaga taking orders from them. I don't know - - but based on some comments around here - - yes, LM's CAN be the absolute Worst - yet they claim to believe in such peace and acceptance. the problem is that you've got some real sickos out there - and when Gaga starts preaching about believing in yourself and fighting for rights - - , well - it just gets all mixed up....

Needless to say, I'm totally on Gaga's side on this one.

Edited by gagaluna
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close this THREAD! can ppl shut up about it already! it's old news, and gaga don't give a ****! she said all she had to say. she don't gotta write no letter to her fans. sheesh! she needs to write a letter to ya'll to shut the **** up and stop telling her what you think she needs to do.

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First off: KELLY started the whole thing by calling Gaga pregnant/fat - - which she has done w/ other celebs before eg. Cristina Aguilera - she starts the whole mess w/ her nasty comments and then it's Sharon to the rescue.

Also - aren't Kelly and Gaga about the same age? so for Mama Osbourne to jump in and start meddling as much as she has is just ridiculous. SO glad that Cynthia has wisely stayed out of this - if only to show who has more class.

Gaga's open letter to Kelly was PERFECT! It hit on all of Kelly's hypocrisy as one previously criticized for being fat.

Sharon's letter about Gaga's meat dress and the "real world" was totally irrelevant and illogical. She just wanted to publicly bash Gaga.

Remember their show? well, they're not exactly the most upstanding, sound-minded people - - so, why are they so quick to get all high & mighty and judgemental - - and of Gaga??? What did she ever do to them?

the only thing Sharon was a little right about was basically requesting a tweet from Gaga telling her LM's to stop attacking Kelly - - then again, that would've been Gaga taking orders from them. I don't know - - but based on some comments around here - - yes, LM's CAN be the absolute Worst - yet they claim to believe in such peace and acceptance. the problem is that you've got some real sickos out there - and when Gaga starts preaching about believing in yourself and fighting for rights - - , well - it just gets all mixed up....

Needless to say, I'm totally on Gaga's side on this one.

ME AS WELL....Have you seen that Sharon and Pigrez are tweeting each other now....?

Monster in Scotland
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close this THREAD! can ppl shut up about it already! it's old news, and gaga don't give a ****! she said all she had to say. she don't gotta write no letter to her fans. sheesh! she needs to write a letter to ya'll to shut the **** up and stop telling her what you think she needs to do.

this coming from someone who just spent how much time reading thru all 78 pages of posts???

I thought you liked reading about this topic - now you want to shut down the thread? what else would you do all day?? jk :)

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this coming from someone who just spent how much time reading thru all 78 pages of posts???

I thought you liked reading about this topic - now you want to shut down the thread? what else would you do all day?? jk :)

leave me alone! :P
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You know that tweet Sharon used as refference, wasn't that a troll and a fake account. And weren't they actualy not a fan of Gaga's, thats why they had such an obvious 'im a gaga fan' twitter name. I guessed with all the remarks from Kelly last year some individual decided to make an account and make Gaga's fans look bad. Or I could be just totally wrong and a fan did say that.

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You know that tweet Sharon used as refference, wasn't that a troll and a fake account. And weren't they actualy not a fan of Gaga's, thats why they had such an obvious 'im a gaga fan' twitter name. I guessed with all the remarks from Kelly last year some individual decided to make an account and make Gaga's fans look bad. Or I could be just totally wrong and a fan did say that.


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