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I think this letter was poorly conceived.

You can't make the point you're trying to make by taking a swipe at the generally harmless Fashion Police (like, seriously, when was the last time a celebrity ever got butt-hurt about the Fashion Police?) and making veiled accusations toward Kelly as a person ("you have chosen a less compassionate path" is a pretty bold statement and "to see you blossoming into a beautiful slender woman who makes fun of others for a living is astounding" is just...misguided on a few levels).

Just not well stated. It basically comes off as sour grapes masquerading as compassionate social critique. I understand where both women were coming from, but neither handled the situation very well or chose their words very carefully.

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If Gaga brings up a comedic show about fashion and 'bullying' well...lets not forget Cake Like Lady Gaga, 'snatch your ****ing weave out b---h'...ummm ok because thats not promoting violence just the same as kelly isnt promoting bullying. she really needs to stop acting holier than thou.

Promoting violence? More like a common expression used.

It's not LITERALLY ripping someones hair out.


Edited by Bryan
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Still, Gaga should have just apologized to Kelly and left the show out of it. Fashion police 'makes fun' of rich people for wasting money on fugly clothes, people who most likely never see it. Little Monsters continuously launch extremely cruel twitter comments toward Kelly, non stop, its not the same. Gaga is being hypocritical defending her fans for such stupid and immature behavior.

She didn't defend them. She clearly stated that she cannot control them. She spreads her message and her fans do with it what they will. She can only say so much. Its unfair for Kelly to blatantly state that she carries the responsibility of controlling how her thousands of fans choose to interact with people, when we are all individuals.

Edited by misanthrope
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That's it, Gaga. Come back from your U.S. hiding with a successful tour and public feud. You're on you're way back to the top, gurl :party:

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Lion Heart

Promoting violence. :rofl:

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Still, Gaga should have just apologized to Kelly and left the show out of it. Fashion police 'makes fun' of rich people for wasting money on fugly clothes, people who most likely never see it. Little Monsters continuously launch extremely cruel twitter comments toward Kelly, non stop, its not the same. Gaga is being hypocritical defending her fans for such stupid and immature behavior.

how is she? she shouldnt have to defend us, her message is one of empowerment and unity so surely we are going against her if we are rude and disrespectful to any person? it's not her job to defend us, she just cares so much she feels she has too.

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Still, Gaga should have just apologized to Kelly and left the show out of it. Fashion police 'makes fun' of rich people for wasting money on fugly clothes, people who most likely never see it. Little Monsters continuously launch extremely cruel twitter comments toward Kelly, non stop, its not the same. Gaga is being hypocritical defending her fans for such stupid and immature behavior.

Sorry, but...apologize for what again ?

She can not possibly control us/the fans. It is impossible for anyone to control their fan base.

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I think this letter was poorly conceived.

You can't make the point you're trying to make by taking a swipe at the generally harmless Fashion Police (like, seriously, when was the last time a celebrity ever got butt-hurt about the Fashion Police?) and making veiled accusations toward Kelly as a person ("you have chosen a less compassionate path" is a pretty bold statement and "to see you blossoming into a beautiful slender woman who makes fun of others for a living is astounding" is just...misguided on a few levels).

Just not well stated. It basically comes off as sour grapes masquerading as compassionate social critique. I understand where both women were coming from, but neither handled the situation very well or chose their words very carefully.

Again, have you never watched the show? Celebrities actually do respond, Xtina being one recently, after Kelly and the group made fun of her weight gain.

It's ironic, seeing as Kelly was attacked for her weight as well.

Kelly is a b---h, period, watch 5 minutes of the show and it's really not a hard conclusion to make.

Edited by Bryan
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Love you gaga and respect you sooooo much more than I do!!

:tea: :tea: :tea: :tea:

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Apologize for WHAT? Like, no, she's not our MOTHER. We can act how we want.

It's about time this b---h grew a spine and hit back at stupidly misguided and unjustified criticism towards her.

Have you ever watched Fashion Police? They sit there laughing, making fun of celebrities and call people fat/ugly/etc.

I mean, what a novel concept that people are mean on TWITTER of all things. Reality check to Kelly Irrelevant Get the hell over it, everyone else gets the same hate mail and doesn't make a big deal of it.


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If Gaga brings up a comedic show about fashion and 'bullying' well...lets not forget Cake Like Lady Gaga, 'snatch your ****ing weave out b---h'...ummm ok because thats not promoting violence just the same as kelly isnt promoting bullying. she really needs to stop acting holier than thou.

stop over thinking things. it's not good for you

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
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I think this letter was poorly conceived.

You can't make the point you're trying to make by taking a swipe at the generally harmless Fashion Police (like, seriously, when was the last time a celebrity ever got butt-hurt about the Fashion Police?) and making veiled accusations toward Kelly as a person ("you have chosen a less compassionate path" is a pretty bold statement and "to see you blossoming into a beautiful slender woman who makes fun of others for a living is astounding" is just...misguided on a few levels).

Just not well stated. It basically comes off as sour grapes masquerading as compassionate social critique. I understand where both women were coming from, but neither handled the situation very well or chose their words very carefully.

I suppose I don't disagree with you about the whole Fashion Police aspect of her letter, but her stating that she cannot control how her fans interact on social media is necessary. Its something that needs to be publicly stated again because shes all too often blamed for her fans behavior and unfairly so.

Celebrities do get "butt-hurt" over Fashion Police for the record.

Edited by misanthrope
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she feels 'baldy' thank god for proofreaders. :duhga:

Anyway, I think its a bit cheesy and stupid. Calling her out for working on a comedic TV show while worshipping vogue which is equally all about image.

But Vogue is not criticizing people, it's about fashion and what you should wear, Adele was on Vogue and she is fat.

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