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14M people tried buying Taylor tickets, 2M sold


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TheFame Monster
  On 11/17/2022 at 5:49 PM, Defmix100 said:

why didn't they like the thought of Ariana being on a Gaga track?


probably Scooter Braun lol which is funny because she’s friends with Ed Sheeran and Shawn Mendes who have both worked with Justin Bieber who is connected to Scooter

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  On 11/17/2022 at 4:45 PM, Gagaism said:

Her concerts are magical even if you don’t know all her songs. It’s insane. 


Not me coming into this thread thinking “I honestly don’t understand the hype” and then reading your comment, watching a couple videos and changing my mind :bradley:

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TheFame Monster
  On 11/17/2022 at 5:39 PM, Meat said:

I’m talking about Swifties and not Taylor herself. Her fans are infamous for being transphobic towards Gaga and calling her all sorts of disgusting things. Apologies in advance for bursting your bubble!



  On 11/17/2022 at 5:47 PM, Edonis said:

Fairly certain they’re talking about her fans, which have gotten noticeably nastier to her ever since the rumors of the Ariana collab on LG6…And if you ever want to see what her stans say about pretty much every other female artist out there, just check the Twitter tag. :huntyga:


I was talking about Swifties, but saying I’m not going to argue about if Gaga or Taylor is better because they are both so different and respect one another. I know there are probably Swifties that say awful deranged things about many artists and I don’t think that is okay. 

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  On 11/17/2022 at 5:49 PM, Defmix100 said:

why didn't they like the thought of Ariana being on a Gaga track?


There’s been bad blood between those fan bases since at least 2014 :laughga: It’s a whole thing that started on tumblr and spilled onto Twitter in the past few years. Similar to the fights between BTS fans and Blackpink fans (which is why so many BTS fans were also trashing Gaga during Chromatica). It’s all immature stuff at the end of the day, which is precisely why I think it’s a good idea to stay away from the stan wars. 

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Ticketmaster Explains Taylor Swift Ticket Chaos Amid Outrage; ‘Eras Tour’ Broke Record With Over 2 Million Tickets Sold in One Day

Ticketmaster has issued a lengthy explainer about what led to the chaos that erupted over tickets for Taylor Swift’s “The Eras Tour,” which went on sale on Nov. 15. The company’s website crashed because of the fan demand, while tons of fans who did get into the queue had to wait for over two hours to get a chance at purchasing tickets. Other fans got blindsided by being sent to a wait list. Backlash against Ticketmaster exploded, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling for the company’s merger with LiveNation to be broken up.

“The Eras on sale made one thing clear: Taylor Swift is an unstoppable force and continues to set records,” Ticketmaster wrote in its explanation. “We strive to make ticket buying as easy as possible for fans, but that hasn’t been the case for many people trying to buy tickets for the Eras Tour. We want to share some information to help explain what happened.”

Ticketmaster had Taylor Swift fans pre-register as Verified Fans before the sale. The company uses the Verified Fan program “to help manage high demand shows — identifying real humans and weeding out bots. Keeping bots out of queues and avoiding overcrowding helps to make waits shorter and on sales smoother.” Over 3.5 million fans pre-registered for Taylor’s Verified Fan program, the largest registration in Ticketmaster’s history. 

According to Ticketmaster, two million Verified Fans got sent to a waiting list and 1.5 million were given the chance to buy tickets when the sale started. Ticketmaster decided on this split because “historically, 40% of invited fans actually show up and buy tickets, and most purchase an average of 3 tickets.”

“Historically, working with Verified Fan invite codes has worked as we’ve been able to manage the volume coming into the site to shop for tickets,” Ticketmaster said. “However, this time the staggering number of bot attacks as well as fans who didn’t have invite codes drove unprecedented traffic on our site, resulting in 3.5 billion total system requests — 4x our previous peak.”

Ticketmaster added, “It usually takes us about an hour to sell through a stadium show, but we slowed down some sales and pushed back others to stabilize the systems. The trade off was longer wait times in queue for some fans.”

“The Eras Tour” ended up breaking a Ticketmaster record as over two million tickets were sold for Swift’s shows on Nov. 15, the most tickets ever sold for an artist in a single day.

Even when a high demand on sale goes flawlessly from a tech perspective, many fans are left empty handed,” Ticketmaster said. “For example: based on the volume of traffic to our site, Taylor would need to perform over 900 stadium shows (almost 20x the number of shows she is doing)… that’s a stadium show every single night for the next 2.5 years.”

“While it’s impossible for everyone to get tickets to these shows, we know we can do more to improve the experience and that’s what we’re focused on,” the company concluded.

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  On 11/17/2022 at 5:21 PM, NATAH said:

because we all have our own tastes and opinions so i wanted to keep it fair

some ppl will think taylor is better than gaga but that's their own issue


Imagine thinking Taylor is a better PERFORMER than Gaga :air:

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  On 11/17/2022 at 5:54 PM, AnglerfishbraBENUS said:

how many were sold overall for Chromatica?


A little over a million I believe, but it also had less than half the dates with smaller stadiums (I still don’t understand why they choose baseball stadiums for TCB when she could have easily sold much larger ones)

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  On 11/17/2022 at 6:03 PM, HausOfAntonio said:

Imagine thinking Taylor is a better PERFORMER than Gaga :air:


a covid test me thinks for those poor souls...

mother, what must i do?
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There were more people in the queue trying to buy tickets for my date than there was seats in the whole stadium :nooo:

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TheFame Monster
  On 11/17/2022 at 5:55 PM, ModernEcstasy said:

Not me coming into this thread thinking “I honestly don’t understand the hype” and then reading your comment, watching a couple videos and changing my mind :bradley:


She has the budget and the stage presence:worship2:

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TheFame Monster
  On 11/17/2022 at 6:06 PM, gabeoz said:

There were more people in the queue trying to buy tickets for my date than there was seats in the whole stadium :nooo:


The whole “verified fan” thing was useless. Anyone could sign up for it

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  On 11/17/2022 at 5:14 PM, androiduser said:

The double standards are amazing.... when Gaga has a successful tour, it's because she's a genius loved by the world... when Taylor has an even bigger tour it's always "I don't get it"


I never compared her to anyone lol so no double standards. Also, when I went to the Chromatica ball, even for gaga, I was not gonna pay a 1000 dollars in tickets.... Which is cool if people are gonna do that.

I am just stating the fact that for many people (some of whom are in this thread), just cannot see what is there. I get it different people, different tastes, power to ya.

It is just a whack feeling because we all like "pop" music but some just dont see it in taylor.

I would never have an opinion for something outside pop music like a rap concert.

Again not hating, I actually dont find her unlistenable and have binge-listened to her before



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I’m coming to terms I ain’t gonna get tickets and that’s ok. Demand is shooting prices so I ain’t paying 1000 bucks to see Taylor. Sorry. I love her but not to pay that 

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Oh no. I was hoping to just do nose bleeds but maybe not. I’ll probably go to the venue day of (5pm they usually release unclaimed media/promo tickets). If not, maybe just listen form the parking lot. 

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