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Your career as a Little Monster


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Describe your career as a professional Little Monster.


My Resume: 

Name: dit

Address: None of your business

Phone Number: See above



Work Experience:

2008-2012: Was too young to know what stanning is but was obsessed with Gaga songs. First time I heard of her was when I was in a bus and two people were fighting over Just Dance and Poker Face being from the same singer or not. One was saying both songs sound alike so they must come from the same singer and the other was saying that no Poker Face was sung by Rihanna and Just Dance was Lady Gaga :rip: :lmao: 

2013-2015: I had the unfortunate experience of begining to be a stan with the ARTPOP "era" :rip: So you can imagine the chaos I had to endure :triggered: I love the album as noisy and messy as it is and I love what we did get from the era even though we got little in terms of visuals and singles and stuff. It was fun and chaotic and Gaga's career was mimicking a very dit like trajectory (spiraling) and i kind of liked the mess of my personal life and Gaga's career imploding all at the same time. Through her chaos I was able to live out my own. Wow.

2016-2019: Peak fangirling years. I LOVED Joanne. I know you f-words are very critical of it but I still love it as an album. I did not enjoy the silence and HUGE gaps between music videos, nor did I enjoy the visuals all that much BUT the era was fun, the music was amazing and the superbowl was iconic. This was also the period we got Sound of Music tribute and of course the LEGENDARY A Star Is Born era. In this era I bought a ticket to the movies and went to the cinema for the first time by myself. I usually always go with friends or family but this was the first time I said I will treat myself to something by myself (plus no one wanted to go see it with me so I pretend like I just did it as a self care thing for myself if I'm being honest :triggered:). I then went and had pasta after the movie like a good Little Monster because if you did not know this: Gaga is Italian :stalkga: ....Good times!

2020-current: I am currently in my "wow Gaga is a legend" era. Meaning I do not expect anything from her. Like she did most of what she set out to do. She continued acting in House of Coochie, she made Chromatica (my 2nd favorite album of hers only after TFM) etc......she is killing it!! At the same time, I no longer feel a huge urge or urgency for her to release music all the time or expect her to perform a lot of to release lots of music videos etc...I've come to terms that she is about 15 years into her career and now everything we get from her is just cherry on tops. Not everyone has the insane wild drive that Taylor has to be releasing tons of albums and visuals even 16+ years into their career. Taylor is an anomaly, not the norm. Most popgirls past their 10 year mark tend to slow things down unless they are Madonna or Taylor so why expect that level of work ethic from Gaga? Plus Gaga has a whole other dimension to her artistry that takes up LOTS of time which is ACTING. She is the only female singer to really succesfully and critcally acclaimly shift to acting since Barbara and Cher. That is BEYOND ICONIC. I am in some ways more excited by Mister Man's acting career than her music career at this point. Acting also helps provide you longevity because some of the worlds top actresses in box office etc are 40+ years old. Whereas with music it is harder to be on top and be in your 40s+. Very rarely did that happen...I can only think of like Madonna doing it. This means I will be stanning Gag Rat for many MANY more decades to come (God willing, inshallah I can be healthy enough to live to see her long and hopefully likewise for her...I hope her health continues to improve and she is with us for many many more decades doing her thing and giving the world the art we love). 

(Please Contact for References)

*End of Resume*

Your turn girlies :gaycat:

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Lmao here's mine!

name: liz

address: 123 internet street

phone: (+1) 911

qualities: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever done before-

2008: Had only heard a few hits from The Fame and was a fan

June 2009: Saw her Vuse interview talking about TFM, idk what it was about that interview but I was 100% hooked after that. I remember being hyped for the Alejandro music video to drop

2009-2012: Hardcore stan, basically from mid-TFM era to after BTW era. It was an amazing time to be a fan, I miss it!!

2013-2014: I went to rehab lololol couldn't even listen to gaga's music smh

2015-2021: Causal fan (for no reason just had a lot of life stuff going on) absolutely loved her in AHS and ASIB 

2022: Getting back into the fandom, also listened to Chromatica for the first time a few months ago and I'm obsessed :legend: 


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4 hours ago, Lizzi said:

Lmao here's mine!

name: liz

address: 123 internet street

phone: (+1) 911

qualities: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever done before-

2008: Had only heard a few hits from The Fame and was a fan

June 2009: Saw her Vuse interview talking about TFM, idk what it was about that interview but I was 100% hooked after that. I remember being hyped for the Alejandro music video to drop

2009-2012: Hardcore stan, basically from mid-TFM era to after BTW era. It was an amazing time to be a fan, I miss it!!

2013-2014: I went to rehab lololol couldn't even listen to gaga's music smh

2015-2021: Causal fan (for no reason just had a lot of life stuff going on) absolutely loved her in AHS and ASIB 

2022: Getting back into the fandom, also listened to Chromatica for the first time a few months ago and I'm obsessed :legend: 


NOOOO not rehab! I would play some songs on the television from YouTube & I also got my iPod for like an hour at night :laughga:

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I’ve basically been along for the ride since 2009 and have always been very optimistic that she would be a legend with staying power, regardless of how other (non fans) people felt about her. 

I remember 2009 when everyone loved her.

I remember 2011 when people got sick of her. 

I remember people being rather indifferent about her in 2013, but other fanbases attacked her more because her commercial success had lowered (of course 🙄). 

I remember 2014 and beyond being this wonderful building up of something wonderful. People started to love her again and she got to showcase her talent. 

The Joanne era in particular was a wonderful slow-building up era which took months and climaxed with the super bowl. 

Since 2018  she’s just an adored legend, with talent to back it up. She’s a Hollywood fixture. She doesn’t need to worry about staying relevant or becoming obsolete or flopping or any of that. She’s a household name. 

I’ve loved the ride and look forward to the future! 

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2 hours ago, TheBadRomancer said:

NOOOO not rehab! I would play some songs on the television from YouTube & I also got my iPod for like an hour at night :laughga:

Haha I did get to have an iPod eventually but my mom couldn’t find mine so I got my brothers old one instead  :toofunny:  

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21 hours ago, Lizzi said:

Haha I did get to have an iPod eventually but my mom couldn’t find mine so I got my brothers old one instead  :toofunny:  

and was there any Gaga on it? :wtfga:

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I love this! I ended up writing way too much :oops:

Name: Maya Frost

Address: Planet Chromatica

Phone Number: 555-5555

Qualities: Wanna be Philosopher

Work Experience:


I remember seeing Just Dance and liking the song, but thinking it was Christina Aguilera at first. Then every time a new single came out, I'd be all about it. I fell in love with her because I've always loved Electronic Music, and around this time a lot of Pop music started going electronic, so I saw her as almost leading the charge on bringing Electronic Music to Pop. My friends all liked her too, we would dance along to Poker Face and Bad Romance. I brought her up often and would show people her lesser known features like Chillin and Video Phone. I would put "GAGA" as my clan tag on CoD and name my pets on World of Warcraft after her.


When Born This Way came out, my friends sort of fell off from her other than Edge of Glory (I think they couldn't relate to the heavy LGBT message). But I could, and that album solidified my love for her. I played the **** out of it everyday, and started considering her one of my favorite artists of all time. I watched the Monster Ball at MSG on HBO and cried, wishing I was there. It was the first time that the idea of LGBT not being a bad thing was introduced to my brain, as well as the whole idea of accepting yourself. 


When ARTPOP came out, I had enough money to actually buy the CD the day it came out, and I loved it. At this point though, I felt alone in my love for Gaga. None of my friends liked her anymore, and I kept hearing the negativity in the media and people on my Facebook bashing her. But I still liked her and eagerly watched the Muppets Holiday Special. I did not however, like Cheek to Cheek and basically ignored anything about it, despite liking 'The Lady is a Tramp' a few years earlier. I tried to watch American Horror Story Hotel just for her, but I couldn't handle scary stuff at the time so I stopped watching.


These were the dark times. Like a lot of people, I fell off when Joanne came out. I remember listening to it once through, not liking it, and listening to ARTPOP afterwards instead. I didn't like Perfect Illusion, nor Million Reasons, though I was so desperate for new Gaga that I added Million Reasons - Andrelli Remix to my Gaga playlist just to have something. But I otherwise had fallen off pretty hard on Gaga, until the Superbowl when I told the entire room at the Superbowl party I attended to be quiet during the halftime show, especially some of the conservatives that kept saying "SHE BETTER NOT BE POLITICAL!" When A Star Is Born came out, I kept telling myself I need to watch that, I need to watch that. I would literally change the radio when Shallow came on because I wanted the first time I heard the song to be when I finally saw the movie. But I don't really care for watching movies in general (I seriously watch like 2 or 3 movies a year lol), so I kept putting it off and ended up not watching when it was relevant. 


I got really into Twitch during the Pandemic, more specifically a bunch of Drag Queen streamers called Stream Queens. I first heard Stupid Love and the news of the imminent release of the album through them. They were doing listening parties and I was excited to hear that Gaga was returning to Electropop again. I loved Chromatica so much that I slipped right back into referencing her in stuff again. I named all my Fantasy Football teams "Chromatica." While nobody I knew in real life liked Gaga anymore, or even knew wtf Chromatica was, I didn't feel as alone because of the Stream Queens, who were always playing or performing to Chromatica songs.  With my love for Gaga renewed, I finally got around to watching A Star Is Born and loved it. I spent 2021 listening to Chromatica and ASIB OST.


I finally have the means to go to concerts and travel, so I bought a TCB ticket the day they were released. I live in FL, and initially there was no Miami date, so I went to Washington DC for a solo trip and had a blast. The day I got back to FL, a friend that lives in Miami told me she bought 2 tickets for the Miami show, but her friend had bailed and that if I was willing to drive down to Miami, I could have the ticket. I was reluctant about a 6 hour drive, but I did it and I'm so glad I did because I was there for a part of Gaga history. 

I am now fully obsessed with Gaga again, and have been playing catch up on everything I missed. I actually like Joanne now after giving it another chance, and even some of her Tony Gaga stuff. It's non stop, theres so much content. I watched all her old concerts and am working my way through all her interviews, speeches, social media posts (such cute snapchat videos i missed!), I bought her book, finally watched AHS:H, watched House of Gucci. Before, I only cared about her as an artist, but now I'm obsessed with her as a person. I can't wait for what's next!

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Dancing Shadow

Name: Sir Bride

Address: All the lady gaga eras

Phone Number: 555-555-LittleMonster

Qualities: Knows all gaga songs by heart. Dances at 3 am.

Work Experience: 

2020: I started Listening to music that was nostalgic to me, and lady gaga played on my school bus when i was in elementry school. Revisited Hits, decided to watch an intervew, was very confused and intriged. Slowly listened to more of her non hits, one day I realized I had listened to all of her albums in full. Watched more interviews, saw she was nice and smart and became a fan.

Few days later: Almost quit because she broke the norms my religious upbringing  taught me...

I toughed through it though and became more open minded and now im Christian but without the church guidance and bible because i believe it has been altered. 

Lates 2020 - 2021: Became obsessed in a very unhealthy way, it was a coping mechanism for trauma. The interviews/Mvs/Eras/Outfits were my 24/7 I forgot how to do anything I use to do. I didnt know myself anymore and decided I needed a break.

Few months later: Learned how to be a fan and HEALTHY at the same time. 

2022: Not watching many interviews anymore because I feel like Ive seen it all, although I obviously havent. Still listen to her music every few times in a few weeks... But im keeping up with her new releases. Still a fan, always will be. 

"I hope that you will love me in this way For who I am—not then—but for today"
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Name: thatslife

Address: Planet Venus

Phone Number: 444-444-444-444

Qualities: Survived the ARTPOP app meltdown

2012: I learnt the word provocative from her wikipedia. I wrote a school assignment about her. I was known as the Gaga fangirl and people would ask me random trivia questions. 

2013: I was an annoying child and wrote "Buy ARTPOP on iTunes" any time there was a pen testing area in certain stores. I started to take piano lessons because I loved watching Gaga play the piano. 

2014: I forced my family to watch the G.U.Y video in full several times. I watched recordings from artRAVE so often I could tell which show it was by the variation in melody/screams. I memorised a bunch of interviews and started using some of her common phrases in day to day speech. It wasn't a conscious thought, it was just a combination of being autistic and young.

2015: I tried to watch AHS hotel even though I hate scary things just for Gaga. I jumped through dodgy streaming links to watch the Grammy announcement when Grammy to Grammy won. :tony:  

2019/2020: I played ARUTW in an awful small 'band' but it was fun. I found out I used to take the same medication as her :selena:

Honourable mention: I still have the ARTPOP app and Gaga's edition of tap tap revenge downloaded


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2 hours ago, thatslife said:

Name: thatslife

Address: Planet Venus

Phone Number: 444-444-444-444

Qualities: Survived the ARTPOP app meltdown

2012: I learnt the word provocative from her wikipedia. I wrote a school assignment about her. I was known as the Gaga fangirl and people would ask me random trivia questions. 

2013: I was an annoying child and wrote "Buy ARTPOP on iTunes" any time there was a pen testing area in certain stores. I started to take piano lessons because I loved watching Gaga play the piano. 

2014: I forced my family to watch the G.U.Y video in full several times. I watched recordings from artRAVE so often I could tell which show it was by the variation in melody/screams. I memorised a bunch of interviews and started using some of her common phrases in day to day speech. It wasn't a conscious thought, it was just a combination of being autistic and young.

2015: I tried to watch AHS hotel even though I hate scary things just for Gaga. I jumped through dodgy streaming links to watch the Grammy announcement when Grammy to Grammy won. :tony:  

2019/2020: I played ARUTW in an awful small 'band' but it was fun. I found out I used to take the same medication as her :selena:

Honourable mention: I still have the ARTPOP app and Gaga's edition of tap tap revenge downloaded


awwww, I've noticed myself using some of her phrases often too! Except I'm not young or autistic 🤣

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2 hours ago, thatslife said:

Honourable mention: I still have the ARTPOP app and Gaga's edition of tap tap revenge downloaded


My old ipod touch still has it too!! By some miracle its one of the only apps that still works

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