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Adele says we've been pronouncing her name wrong this whole time


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3 hours ago, Kimmo said:


What song is this :lolly: lemme maybe give Tove Lo an extra 99p from me via iTunes :flower:

insta: good_lukeing | I have nothing else to promote
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11 minutes ago, Luke78619 said:

What song is this :lolly: lemme maybe give Tove Lo an extra 99p from me via iTunes :flower:

Habits by “Tube-Eh-lo” :vegas:

Hottie Detector
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11 minutes ago, Kimmo said:

Habits by “Tube-Eh-lo” :vegas:

Oh i know this only because of the remix :wtfga: think the OG might actually be better :wtfga:

insta: good_lukeing | I have nothing else to promote
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2 hours ago, PartySick said:

I used to pronounce it "add uh lay" oops

Most Portuguese speaking people say like this as well :deadbanana:


Property of @Whale
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And period for it being Gran-dee, since it's pronounced as a Spanish or Portuguese word

Property of @Whale
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7 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

She's not meaning that we're literally saying her name wrong. Ah-dell is the correct pronunciation, it's merely accent that makes it sound different. You're not mispronouncing it when you say it with your accent, it's just the way your accent makes the name sound. For example, I want to ask this of Americans - when you say the name Clara, are you literally saying Clara or are you meaning to say Claire-a? Because I've always heard Americans say it like Claire-a and I think they are meaning to say Clara but their accents make it come out sounding different. I'd like to know what they're actually trying to say for verification. British accents work in the same way. My mum's called Isabelle and my aunt, despite having the same Scottish accent as us, is more working class and therefore has different ways of saying things and she pronounces it like Isabill and it drives me mad. I'd hate to have my name said wrong by my own family. Luckily, I noticed that she is saying it properly recently. Accents can give names a whole different flair but as long as you know what they're trying to say, it shouldn't be an issue.

When I went to the US I was just glad I wasn't a dude named Craig or Graham :laughga:



Do you feel him sir?
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It just sounds American country/ Southern to me :ladyhaha:

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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Why do I find it funny that they added the correct pronunciation of Ariana's last name, when it's her first name everyone struggles with :laughga:  so many people call her AIR-iana when it's really ARE-iana

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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12 hours ago, sillynate said:

Tove Lo (Habits, Glad He’s Gone) is pronounced too • vuh • loo

Well not really, Tove or Tova is a Swedish name and we pronounce it Too * veeh * loo but since she says it so fast it sounds a lot like too * vuh * loo or Toov * loo. She usually also tries to say her name in English which gives it a weird sounding version. But whenever she says it in Swedish I can guarantee you it is Too * veeh * loo.

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17 hours ago, gypsy Hero said:

If there only was a way to efficiently represent the right pronunciation  for any given name without actually hearing the person say it…. 



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