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Taylor’s gay fans “Gaylors” are unstanning her


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I’m so confused. Taylor has literally never been anything but openly straight all the time. Her songs are all about her famous boyfriends and everyone has always enjoyed figuring out which boy they’re each about. Most of her songs are about her straight relationships.  She has been publicly dating Joe for years. How are these delusional gay fans being so stupid and vindictive. Way to make people hate gay people for this ridiculous reaction. 

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As a Gay Person, Taylor always seemed like the most straight person ever to me. She only had public relationships with men but has been a (loud) supporter of the community since at least 1989/Rep Era. If I think of ‚appropriating‘ Queer culture, maybe a Harry Styles or Charlie Puth comes to mind - but Taylor? I don‘t see anything wildly as vague as those two did from her. She‘s always classified herself an ally, she never made any assumptions about her sexuality, she doesn‘t use lesbian imagery to feed a narrative - Yes, she has the YNTCD Video, but that seems more like a Tribute to the Community. Let the girl live in peace with her boyfriend! 

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  On 10/7/2022 at 6:29 PM, monstertoronto said:

I’m so confused. Taylor has literally never been anything but openly straight all the time. Her songs are all about her famous boyfriends and everyone has always enjoyed figuring out which boy they’re each about. Most of her songs are about her straight relationships.  She has been publicly dating Joe for years. How are these delusional gay fans being so stupid and vindictive. Way to make people hate gay people for this ridiculous reaction. 


A lot of them aren’t necessarily gay, the name is derived from those that think Taylor Swift is secretly dating women and that Joe is a beard/coverup or whatever. Obviously it’s untrue, but this has been a thing since the Red-era I think? I don’t follow TS that much but a friend of mine in college was all about that and she’s straight lol 

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honey i have a good gaydar and it was like if taylor swift wasn't even in the damn milky way. :saladga:

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I just hate it now that some gays think that the artists we like or stan HAVE to be gay per obligation 

Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF

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The most normal and least prejudiced swiftie be like:

  On 10/7/2022 at 6:25 PM, Stephen said:

 he tried to convert me to Zionism :selena:




Property of @Whale
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And for god's sake, she did You Need To Calm Down. Can it be more obvious that she's straight?

Property of @Whale
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  On 10/7/2022 at 6:25 PM, Stephen said:

All swifties are insane. I try to avoid them IRL especially with dating. Against my better judgment, I gave one of them a chance and he tried to convert me to Zionism :selena:



This truly sounds like something Wendy would say :sharon: The swiftication of the situation

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"Just be a normal straight girl"

I'd like to point out that THEY started the whole "Gaylor" thing, not her:saladga:

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  On 10/7/2022 at 5:56 PM, Railing said:

Someone tell them that "lavender haze" is not gay slang, and that of course she will be writing about her longtime boyfriend that she has publicly been with for several years :billie:

I also don't know how her potential heterosexuality negates anything she's said or makes YNTCD problematic??? It was a pro-LGBTQ+ song and it benefitted a charity, that's like the opposite of problematic.



Their reaction is nuts :laughga:, but lavender haze absolutely sounds like queer coded language. 

"Lavender marriages" were what queer folks called marriages of connivence, when gay men would marry gay women to hide their sexuality. The "Lavender Scare" was a moral panic in the 1960's, which targeted gays and lesbians. "Lavender Lads" was a homophobic slur. The poet Sappho used the color purple in her erotic lesbian poems, which caused lavender and violets to be adopted symbols for lesbians in the 1920's. In 1920's Berlin, queer folks rallied their strength with a song called “Das Lila Lied" or "The Lavender Song:" "We see a world of romance and of pleasure, All they can see is sheer banality, Lavender nights are our greatest treasure, where we can be just who we want to be." The Aestheticism movement is heavily associated with lavender, Oscar Wilde would describe his time with boys as the "purple hours" of his day. Abraham Lincoln's biographer referred to his relationship with Andrew Speed as having a "streak of lavender," as code for the homosexual nature of their relationship. In the 60's early gay rights activists adopted lavender as the color of their cause, wearing lavender patches and flying lavender flags.  During the 1970's various feminists movements were afraid that lesbians would dominate their cause, they described them as a "Lavender Menace," in response lesbians adopted lavender colored rhinoceros as a symbol of strength. 

Lavender, more than any other color, is heavily associated with homosexuality. From Quentin Crisp's lavender curls to Lady Gaga's lavender blonde. 


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