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Zachary Quinto back for 'AHS: NYC'


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Used to be a massive AHS fan but I’m not even that excited anymore. Ryan Murphy’s “show and movie factory” is getting me tired and not expecting this new season to top any of the really good ones from the past. 

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17 minutes ago, Neroneau said:

Ryan Murphy really fell off a cliff. He also put his fair share of Murphy homoerotica in Dahmer and that was a choice indeed :awkney: 

I didn't watch Dahmer and I have no desire to tbh. His gay characters are literally just every kind of stereotype possible. Like he can't just have a gay male character that just IS gay but is a fully fleshed out character otherwise. He had Sarah Paulson's character in Cult be a regular, complex, fully fleshed out human being who was also a gay woman. But his gay men are cringe to watch. We also see a lot of talk about how the community is mostly sick of gay 'torture p*rn' in media, and Ryan is so bad at it. All his gay characters are h*rny, flirty, vulgar, sex-obsessed, drug addicted, flamboyant, muscly, ridiculously attractive men who are either sick murderers or get tortured or killed, and their characterisation ends at 'gay man'. They all have that same flavour of what homophpobic cishet Christians think gay men are

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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