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As a huge film lover myself I felt so ashamed to only learn about this site/app a little over a year ago.. But it has quickly become one of my fav apps and I love keeping track of and reviewing movies. I also have discovered so many amazing movies bc of this! 

If you are on Letterboxd, feel free to share your profile on here, I’ll give you a follow :kiss:


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2 minutes ago, Zedd said:

Is it for movies only? Because if not, then I may sign up (I watch more series than movies)

There are some series on it as well, not all of them. Don’t know why some of them are on it and some not tho :shrug:

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The BPD Monster

I only have moviebase app where i rate everything i watch ☹️ it's a really good app but i cannot comment or post reviews unless i buy a trakt? acc

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5 hours ago, Dadru said:

There are some series on it as well, not all of them. Don’t know why some of them are on it and some not tho :shrug:

As far as i can judge mini-series and everything with 1 season is on there as well as singular episodes of Sherlock and Black Mirror counting as their own movie. 

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