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Cara Delevigne causes concern after erratic behavior at airport


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Cara Delevingne’s friends and family fear they need to stage an urgent intervention after her recent wild behaviour.

In the latest worrying incident, the 30-year-old British supermodel was forced to get off rapper Jay-Z’s private jet during an erratic display at a Los Angeles airport on Tuesday.

Paparazzi photos captured her twirling wildly while wearing no shoes, with bedraggled hair and bruises on her arms, The Sun reports.

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Oh she's on the hard stuff now  :selena:

People have been assuming for a bit now. Poor girl. This is far too common in the modelling world

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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It's not funny, even to say "dont do drugs" or "oh shes on something hard", it's not funny. Drug addiction is a real mental issue. This looks so sad and breaks my heart, I hope she gets the help she needs and feels better

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It really is sad seeing her go down like this. I don't think she may recover… sadly I don't think there could be hope she has fame and probably a whole lotta yes men using her for money. 

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Poor thing. It can happen to anyone. One day it’s casual usage, next you’re tweaking out of your brain over amping with track marks on your arms. I hope she is offered help soon and I hope she accepts. No one chooses to become a drug addict, keep that in mind people. 

If anyone is considering trying methamphetamine, don’t do it. Every single person I’ve ever known to use it recreationally has gone on to develop a problem. Our brains are simply not able to cope with that level of dopaminergic stimulation.  

I hope she is offered help and is in a headspace to take it. There is hope, and brains can and do recover but it takes a lot of time. 

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1 hour ago, Sexxx said:

Don’t do drugs kids


45 minutes ago, Tinnitus15 said:

And that’s why drugs are never the option!

Y‘all make a drug problem/mental health issue look so easy. Y‘all have no idea, and I‘m happy for you that you don‘t know how it is cause I wish it to nobody. I didn‘t think I would have an addiction too until it was too late. Its much harder then „don‘t do drugs“…

SwissMonster®️ - Creating controversy since 1999
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3 minutes ago, SwissMonster said:


Y‘all make a drug problem/mental health issue look so easy. Y‘all have no idea, and I‘m happy for you that you don‘t know how it is cause I wish it to nobody. I didn‘t think I would have an addiction too until it was too late. Its much harder then „don‘t do drugs“…

Some people have no idea and have never had to fight for their lives. They don’t know how lucky they are. 

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