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Mar 10, 9:00 AM PT

Update: Britney responds to her son's interview


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I mean Britney herself says she was told to make that one video why she was going to be sent away and about her dad. It just sounds like the same thing is happening here he’s just telling the grandsons now what to say. 

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Sounds fabricated to me.  I think Jamie may be somehow behind this as another way to hurt Britney emotionally.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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Regina George

I hope once they turn 18 she completely cuts them off and never gives them another penny. I don’t care what y’all say, they are old enough to understand what their mother went through and they are out here saying she should stop posting on social media aka the only place where she feels like she can talk to other people and spread her truth? Disgusting little spoiled brats. Sorry I’m not buying all that “they’re kids” bull. They are hungry for money and they want to control their mother. 

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Sneaky Oliver

Are we really gonna discuss the statement of a teenager? He’s just a rich spoiled kid. He doesn’t understand everything what’s going on. Ofc he will try to defend his family. It’s his father, his grandparents. The people he grew with. Those boys must have been traumatized over the fame of their mother, they must wish for a normal life and normal family above all 

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"Maybe it went on too long"

Bitch, she was being controlled in so many levels

Not allowed to have cash

Not allowed to leave her house

Not allowed to have a child


I hope he realizes how he is being manipulated or that Britney leaves him without a penny

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I won't hold this against him because he probably doesn't even understand everything his mother went through, and he's obviously been brainwashed by his father and grandparents. 

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  On 9/2/2022 at 1:40 AM, LaLuna said:

I won't hold this against him because he probably doesn't even understand everything his mother went through, and he's obviously been brainwashed by his father and grandparents. 


i think the same. and tbh they’re still kids that don’t know the impact about how an adult woman was deprived of her rights!. I just hope Britney don’t feel so bad about this. it’s obviously that they’re still trying to hurt her with her kids. So fcking sad

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Must be fabrication if it doesn't fit the narrative we like. Britney deserves to be free but there are always MULTIPLE perspectives in a household and not every child is so easily "brainwashed". Feel sorry for her and her kids, never a comfortable place to be in when both sides feel so distanced from one another. I hope they can at least rekindle some kind of healthy relationship.

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He speaks with the clarity of a grown up for such a young boy... Like he'd been through a lot to understand things so clearly and moderately. :confused:

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This is so vile, her kids have been absolutely brainwashed against her, I can't imagine a more heartbreaking and terrifying feeling for a mother. Hasn't she gone through enough?

Her whole family just needs to get in the bin, there's no redeeming any of them, the kids will be too far gone by this point also which is clear here, they don't have an ounce of empathy for their mother and that these things were out of her control.

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