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Harry Styles on his sexuality


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It’s fine if he wants to keep it to himself, but beating around the bush and teasing it is a bit off. 

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listen harry, i love your music but can you talk about anything else? :messga:

can you get your manager or whatever to blacklist this topic for interviews if you wanna stay private so badly? :messga:

mother, what must i do?
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30 minutes ago, Gam said:

People shouldn't have to prove their sexuality imo, people say the same about Gaga but you believe it when she says it but not when he does 

He’s never actually said anything in plain words though. LG has clearly and plainly said in her own words labelled herself bisexual multiple times and has openly said she has has sexual relations with other women.

HS has never said anything of the sort about having same-sex attraction or relationships. All he says is that he’s not labelling himself, which lots of people take as ambiguous codeword for “not straight”, but lots of others take that as “straight but wants to play to his gay audience”.

Me personally? I think he’s prob like LG. Probably dabbles in some homo sex & stuff, but prefers to be hetero relationship wise. I know a ton of people who are the same also. Just my thoughts. But who actually knows, he obviously likes to keep it private for his own reasons. He doesn’t have control about much of his private life, maybe this is one thing he truly feels he can keep as his own.

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37 minutes ago, Gam said:

People shouldn't have to prove their sexuality imo, people say the same about Gaga but you believe it when she says it but not when he does 

Totally diff gaga actually said multiple times she likes girls. She doesnt say stuff like him. 

How can anoyone not love gaga
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He doesn’t owe anyone the truth about his sexuality. It’s his business at the end of the day. :shrug:

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2 minutes ago, DoremonLove said:

Totally diff gaga actually said multiple times she likes girls. She doesnt say stuff like him. 

You're right, I just think it's pretty obvious what Harry is hinting at and people should lay off him a bit

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1 minute ago, MelbHawker said:

He doesn’t owe anyone the truth about his sexuality. It’s his business at the end of the day. :shrug:


And whoever feels tired or annoyed at him for being so ambiguous, yes we got it, simply don't listen to him :shrug:

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27 minutes ago, codymonster said:

I’d actually disagree. I think this is clearly a sign that the world needs to wake up and stop associating mannerisms/clothing/hobbies, with sexuality. He makes a point to AVOID talking about his sexuality, but because he dresses flamboyantly, all everyone can talk about his him being bisexual. 
Same with Shawn Mendez. He clearly HATES talking about his sexuality, but is said to be gay based on his mannerisms.


If anything, I applaud Harry for not discussing his sexuality. If he wants to dress flamboyantly,  let him do it. The world needs more straight people who feel comfortable exploring their likes/dislikes, and not feeling like they will be labelled something every time they step outside their gender norm.

I do get what people are saying, but if we want to stomp out toxic masculinity, let’s stop calling people gay whenever someone tries to explore themselves and step outside the male norm.


THIS EXACTLY. Also maybe if he doesnt label himself, then maybe the media will eventually get bored of asking bc it truly doesn’t matter 

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why does he always talk about it if he uncomfortable? whenever i see harrys name, its always about his sexuality thing over and over again.

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3 minutes ago, huttont said:

THIS EXACTLY. Also maybe if he doesnt label himself, then maybe the media will eventually get bored of asking bc it truly doesn’t matter 

I don’t think the media actually cares, this is Harry’s camp trying to generate buzz

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43 minutes ago, codymonster said:

I’d actually disagree. I think this is clearly a sign that the world needs to wake up and stop associating mannerisms/clothing/hobbies, with sexuality. He makes a point to AVOID talking about his sexuality, but because he dresses flamboyantly, all everyone can talk about his him being bisexual. 
Same with Shawn Mendez. He clearly HATES talking about his sexuality, but is said to be gay based on his mannerisms.


If anything, I applaud Harry for not discussing his sexuality. If he wants to dress flamboyantly,  let him do it. The world needs more straight people who feel comfortable exploring their likes/dislikes, and not feeling like they will be labelled something every time they step outside their gender norm.

I do get what people are saying, but if we want to stomp out toxic masculinity, let’s stop calling people gay whenever someone tries to explore themselves and step outside the male norm.


If he wanted to disassociate the two wouldn't he just come out as straight then? Also, doesn't he have a role playing a gay man in a movie? Sounds like he's associating them. 

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25 minutes ago, Gam said:

You're right, I just think it's pretty obvious what Harry is hinting at and people should lay off him a bit

i think that's the issue people have, he hints and plays around with it instead of giving a straight (:trollga:) answer

there's examples of people like jessie j who used bisexuality as a marketing ploy and i think us gays are tired of that... like, is he an ally or an lgbtq+ icon?

he's also entitled to his privacy but for someone who wants privacy, this seems to always be a talking point in any project he does when we know celebs can blacklist topics in interviews

hopefully i made sense :selena:

mother, what must i do?
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Why do people need to label their sexuality. I think his point is he’s never even talked about his relationships, male or female. Also, Harry has been photographed a few times with guys who could have been his boyfriend at the time but people have only publicised the women. Im not sure why people are so obsessed with him coming out and love using the word “queer baiting”. I didn’t know only queers could wear skirts and dresses. I thought we were more evolved than that 

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2 minutes ago, NATAH said:

i think that's the issue people have, he hints and plays around with it instead of giving a straight (:trollga:) answer

there's examples of people like jessie j who used bisexuality as a marketing ploy and i think us gays are tired of that... like, is he an ally or an lgbtq+ icon?

he's also entitled to his privacy but for someone who wants privacy, this seems to always be a talking point in any project he does when we know celebs can blacklist topics in interviews

hopefully i made sense :selena:

Yeah it definitely makes sense, he should tell them to stop asking those kind of questions tbh 

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2 minutes ago, Glojuice said:

Why do people need to label their sexuality. I think his point is he’s never even talked about his relationships, male or female. Also, Harry has been photographed a few times with guys who could have been his boyfriend at the time but people have only publicised the women. Im not sure why people are so obsessed with him coming out and love using the word “queer baiting”. I didn’t know only queers could wear skirts and dresses. I thought we were more evolved than that 

Because gay rights are constantly under threat.  The United States Supreme Court would love nothing more than to tear up all of the equality that has been fought for over decades.  Things aren’t much better across the pond, crazy right wingers baiting their gammon fanbase with wanting to tear up equality laws and human rights.

It pisses us off because it you truly are a gay/queer man, stand up and be counted or AT LEAST do not bang this “your identity doesn’t matter” drum.  Your identity absolutely does matter when it is under threat.

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