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Your top 3 Disney movies?


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1. lilo & stitch 

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2. others (ive only seen a few like brave, wreck it ralph, frozen, bambi, jungle book, etc)

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1. Cinderella.

It was the movie I loved the most growing up. So I feel very connected to the story. Used to watch it weekly growing up. Me and my mother would sit in the couch and enjoy the movie together.

2. Pocahontas

Also a movie close to my childhood. Although it’s harder to connect to the story, when you’ve learned about the historical accurate story of Pocahontas. But if I put that aside, Pocahontas is a beautiful movie. 

3. Hercules

I used to play the Hercules game on playstation. Didn’t watch the movie until my teens. But I found Hercules to be such an amazing character. And also it’s a comedy, and there’s a lot of fun characters.

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2.Alice in Wonderland

3.Mary Poppins

“Hands on your knees, I’m Angelina Jolie”
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Pocahontas truly is a beautiful movie. I know it’s historically inaccurate but if you take it for what it is as Disney film, it is amazing. The music is pure class and spiritual. It has a a beautiful meaning. 

The ending is the most poignant and saddest Disney ending ever. The music sends chills down my spine



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