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Rolling Stone names Beyoncé the world’s greatest living entertainer


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I could see it :shrug:

At least as far as production value goes, out of all the people I don't stan (which is every living artist other than Gaga), Beyonce always does it biggest :golfclap:

Hard to be the 💛 in a 💜 sky
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I hope no one takes this very perfectly timed article seriously lol.

Gaga, her only contender, is an award winning (and Oscar nominated) actress who has starred in numerous acting projects. Does entertainment stop at musical projects or? 

This is not to knock down Beyoncé’s achievements, but she could never. 

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idk but "entertainer" the actual word doesn't sit right with me

like you just "entertain", maybe i'm taking it too literal? 

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well this album cycle is anything but entertaining rn :interestinga:

the lead single doesn't even have a music video :interestinga:

mother, what must i do?
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Performer, yes…entertainer no. Gaga is a more rounded entertainer when it comes to acting, musicality. But performing, Beyonce consistently gives an excellent show. 

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Sounds like someone’s salty they couldn’t get good seats at the Chromatica Ball :derpga:

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5 minutes ago, Fanta said:

I hope no one takes this very perfectly timed article seriously lol.

Gaga, her only contender, is an award winning (and Oscar nominated) actress who has starred in numerous acting projects. Does entertainment stop at musical projects or? 

This is not to knock down Beyoncé’s achievements, but she could never. 

Yea it's very obvious at this point that nobody else is on their level, so any statement heralding either lady as the "greatest" is inherently making a judgment on the other (at least, that's how I see it).

It just comes down to opinions at this point. Beyoncé is a better dancer, and if you are personally more excited by fantastic dancing combined with great vocals and stage presence, plus her music resonates with you more, then it's understandable why you'd see her as the best.

If you're looking holistically at all of their talents, it's clear that Gaga is the most versatile. Gifted in several different art forms, a passionate performer who isn't restricted by any notions of "perfection". Gaga bares her flaws and emotions. She isn't afraid to get messy and vulnerable. For me, that's more exciting than a perfect 8 count. 

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A rolling stone article released a week after the CBT started , saying Beyoncé is the greatest living entertainer, mmm suspicious, am i reaching? I always feel this jealousy vibe from her towards Gaga, i just dont know why, and thats my opinion

Quizás bastaba respirar, sólo respirar, muy lento...💙
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Ummm.  She barely has released anything this past decade.  In terms of “entertaining” people, Gaga has released albums in pop, dance remix, jazz, and country-pop, she has mounted two shows in Vegas, she has starred in movies and tv shows, done soundtracks…. Literally entertaining people in every format possible. (Even delivering a book!)  if anyone deserves this accolade it’s gags 

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La Rosalia
14 minutes ago, Rahrahbitchson said:

A rolling stone article released a week after the CBT started , saying Beyoncé is the greatest living entertainer, mmm suspicious, am i reaching? I always feel this jealousy vibe from her towards Gaga, i just dont know why, and thats my opinion

Yes you’re reaching. The timing is related to Beyoncé’s álbum that drops this Friday. This is just warm up promo for the release. 

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