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Are the greatest singers the ones who are spiritual?


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I often ask myself that question and I have a feeling it must be true. Let me explain

Are the greatest singers the ones who have an inner life, very spiritual, deep, philosophical and it comes out in the singing and their art?

Could it be what makes someone like Michael Jackson have tons of fans? He dances and sings with his soul? Could it be  said the same about Gaga? When she sings it's from the gut and the amount of success, of course there are always different components, but what makes someone addicted to that one particular singer?

Or is it not always the case and just bullshit?

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I think so. If they are really passionate about what they are creating, that feeds back to the fans' experience of their art too. 

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not really sure... I think a lot of celebrities are overstating their spirituality to balance out the materialistic lives they are leading

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13 minutes ago, Cello said:

I think so. If they are really passionate about what they are creating, that feeds back to the fans' experience of their art too. 

This. I don't think it's spirituality, it's passion.

No one's going to love your art if you don't :music:

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Most definitely. You can have an incredible voice and great vocal technique, if there's no passion and you're not singing from the heart, I'm not interested.

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Mother of Puppies

I don't think it's spirituality. I also think it's pure passion.


If you truly love making music, playing instruments, writing lyrics, composing and singing, it shows.

Gaga sings with such passion... she feels the music and the emotions when she sings. She doesn't care what she looks like, what facial expressions she makes while singing. She gives it her all and I love that!

She means what she sings. (whatever it is) That's a true artist.

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