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Movies that left you upset


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1 hour ago, Ivy said:


And what's that one with the ship that's upsidedown in the water, and there's a group of people trying to escape :oprah: something was creepy about that and stuck in my mind :gum:


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Sugar Baby

Brokeback Mountain and Call Me By Your Name left me in tears 

I was still not the closet so I related a lot to the stories 

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I didn't like anything about The Revenant, as it was getting much critical praise. Left me feeling icky.




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Your name engraved herein and call me by your name.

After watching Call me by your name , I decided to never watch gay coming of age movies and it made me feel sad for a long time.The ending is too close to reality and I sympathize a lot with main characters.

Then I watched “Your name engraved herein” and that movie broke me emotionally for a very long time.In fact , it took me a long time to recover.I lurked in subreddits and read a lot of interpretations about the ending!!! It is a Taiwanese movie so if you haven't heard about it, I recommend to see that movie .It is on Netflix

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4 hours ago, PartySick said:

I was exposed to a lot as a kid and I'm just not a squeamish person anyway but for some reason alien abduction gives me the heebie-jeebies :messga:

Especially with how graphic it is in that movie :toofunny:

I feel you on this. The thought of alien abduction used to absolutely terrify me as a kid and I still don't like watching anything to do with it. 

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I watched Room when it was released, I've never had so much anxiety watching a film. 

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Oh and I couldn't finish The Road. That has some seriously depressing scenes. 

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Cannibal Holocaust because of the cruelty (both animal and human) 

Audition by Takashi Miike: watch it and you'll know why 

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5 hours ago, Tangerine said:

Hachi: A Dog’s Tale
 Saddest dog movie ever

I own a shiba inu and I forbid myself to watch that movie: my parents did and they cried for a whole week

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3 hours ago, SamanthaC said:

Also The Mothman Prophecies freaked me out. Seeing isolated two red lights (like a car by itself) still creeps me out.  

Oooh I'm gonna have to see that

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