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If Sour Candy was released on friday...?


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Genuinely out of curiosity...  does anyone know what would have been SC's debut on the HOT100 if it wasn't released on thursday? I remember it had a pretty decent amount of views on release, but since counting for Billboard begins on friday, those first day streams didn't count. 

The song peaked at 33, which is pretty good given the lack of promotion/music video, but I was wondering if it could have been higher :oprah: 


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Madame Goo Goo

Maybe top 20, they fumbled the release of Sour Candy for sure. Rain On Me should have been released in April instead of May and SC could be the promo single released a week or two before the album. Chromatica deserved to album bomb the charts and I'm still kind of disappointed by it. Makes me sad that 911 was never able to enter the chart. I still strongly believe that was a hit song that she let get away. 

Lady Gaga doesn't owe us anything
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