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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

~ SnowWhite's PSDs and Tutorials ~


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Since I rarely post anymore, I figured the least I can do is post some of my resources since I no longer post art. :) and of course, for those who don't know...



  • No stealing, no copying, no redistributing as your own. Credit would be nice, and if you do use a PSD or tutorial, I would love to see results, so feel free to post them in this thread :)


Love Bites (So Do I) (PSD x2)

Drowning In You (PSD)

I Love Lucy (PSD)

My Lady (PSD)

Leading Ladies (PSD Set)

Morgana Pendragon (PSD)

Cat Woman (PSD)


Lady Morgana (Tutorial)

Alice Cullen (PSD)

JLC (PSD x3)

Little Serena (PSD)

Candice Accola (PSD)


Fallen's 10th Anni (PSD)


DeviantArt | Box

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Gonna make something later and post it here :party:

Can't wait to see what you make! :)








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You are back, where have you been???

I miss you so bad :fat:

I left for a bit when things started getting crazy, and I had IRL things to deal with,

but I'm going to be on once and awhile now and again :)

Thanks <3


Thats very nice! Which PSD did you use? :)

I love the butterflies and swirls <3








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Bad Kids

oh my god, these are amazing for photoshop newbies like me, thank you! :D

And when you say my name, like white horses on the waves, I think it feels the same, as an ocean in my veins.
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oh my god, these are amazing for photoshop newbies like me, thank you! :D

You are so welcome :) I hope you enjoy them. ^_^




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*Lady Morgana Tutorial


What we will be making:


What you will need:

Picture One | Picture Two | Texture One | Texture Two | Texture Three | Texture Four | Texture Five | PSD


1) The first thing you want to do is open your canvas, I'm using 600x300.


2) You want to take texture one and copy paste it into your canvas. You're going to need to flip it, so I flipped it clockwise. (Ctrl + T>Right Click> Flip 90 CW)


3) Then you take picture one, resize it if you need to, and paste it into your canvas. You want it to be a headshot, it'll work better if it's a headshot. Set it to the right side of the canvas (should be over the white section), and set it to multiply at 100%.


4) Then, you take the same photo, flip it horizontally, and set it to the left of the canvas. You want it to be more of a mid head/body shot, so you should move the photo up so your subjects eyes are covered. Set that layer to soft light at 100%. Make sure to erase the section of picture that overlaps your first pasted photo.


5) Then you want to merge your canvas, and set the layer ontop. Simple way to do so is by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E. Once it's ontop, you want to go to filter>Blur>Surface Blur. Set the settings at 10 and 48 and press okay. Then you want to take a fuzzy eraser brush, set the opacity at 50% and erase the blur off your subjects faces and end bits of the hair so those would be the only defined things.


6) Then you're going to copy merge your layer again (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E), and set the layer to screen at 100%, then, go to filter>Blur>Radial Blur. You want to make sure the blur is set to 20, and the blur of the canvas is centered and pulled down to the bottom. (See here.) Press Okay.


7) Open texture two, and copy paste it onto your layer. Set it to Lighten at 100%. Move it until you're happy with the position.


8) Open texture three, Copy paste the layer onto your canvas, and set it to screen at 100%. Move it to your liking.


9) Copy merge again, Go to filter>Pixelate>Mosaic and set it to 15, and press okay. Set that layer to soft light at 45%


10) Then you're going to take picture two, resize it, and copy paste it. You want it to be smaller then your first picture, but still mostly an upper body shot. Then cut it out and position it to your liking.


11) Duplicate your cut out layer twice, setting one ontop and on underneath. On both of those, give it a surface blur (Filter>Blur>Surface Blur> 10/48). On the top one, erase it away from your subjects face and other prominant features.


12) On your middle layer cut out, Erase away rough edges with a small fuzzy eraser brush to clean it up.


13) Open texture four, copy paste it onto your canvas above all the other layers, go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur @10.0, and press okay. Set the layer to Lighten at 100% and erase the texture off your second photo subjects face.


14) Open the PSD and highlight all the layers (Click on the first layer (which would be curves one) then hold in the shift button and click on the last layer (top one, which would be Hue/Saturation 1)) and pull them onto your canvas. (if it ends up being to red or too pink, duplicate the middle layer of your cut out person and set it to screen, and mess around with it from there))


15) Copy merge your canvas again, and then blur it. (go to Filter>Blue>Gaussian Blur @10.0). Erase the blur from your cut out subjects facial area. Set the layer to 75% opacity.


16) Copy merge your canvas again, then go to filter>other>highpass, set it to 6.5, then set your layer to softlight at 100%.


17) Open texture five, Go to edit>define pattern and press okay. Then copy merge your canvas again, open the little fx palette (see here), and click pattern overlay. Once the box opens, click on the pattern box and find the texture you just made into a pattern (made by Zach btw, Thanks Zach! :3), click it, then set the blend mode to soft light with the opacity at 50%. Then erase the pattern from the cut out subject completely.


18) On the same layer, sharpen your image. Go to filter>sharpen>sharpen, then fade it (ctrl + shift + F) to 40% opacity.


19) Choose whatever text you like, set it up however you want it. I used the little { as a decoration with my text, and I set it to softlight at 75%.


Then I duplicated my text layers, set both sets together (see here), took both the bottom layers (the ones that DON'T say copy), and using the text tool, changed the color of the text to whatever color you desire.

Then with both layers still highlighted, I opened the change/stretch/skew tool thing (Ctrl + T) and tapped the down arrow once, and the right arrow twice on my keyboard and pressed the check mark at the top of the screen.


Then, on the top layer (the copy layers) I added an outer glow and bevel and emboss. I used it on the top one (the 'Le Fay' text).


Outer Glow: Opacity 60%

Choose the color you want,

Size: 10px

Bevel and Emboss: Depth 60%

Soften: 10px


The bottom text (in my case, the 'Lady Morgana' text), I did a pattern overlay.

Pattern Overlay: This one

set at Opacity 10%


20) Copy merge your canvas again, sharpen it, and set the fade to 20.


21) Copy merge again, then on the fx palette, click stroke.

Stroke: Position Inside

Color white

Size 2


22) Copy merge again, fx palette, click stroke.

Stroke: Position Center

Color whichever you want

Size 1


23) Copy merge, and sharpen, and set the fade to 5.

and we're done! :3

I'd love to see some results. =D

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