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Apparently Gaga's method acting approach is "absurd" to Ms. Stewart. Nicole for the win. :coffee:

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the whole thing being sponsored by one of the Oscar contenders... lmfao that Amazon money!  

Just finished, was def not as good as when they're in person but it was really cute! I love the roundtables, very educational tbh and just insightful. I think Gaga opening up about struggling with going balls to the wall with her acting was maybe the best part, bc then the others talked about their experience and how they were also the same. 

edit: bich!!! there WAS a live roundtable by the hollywood reporter!!!! why tf couldn't gaga join!!! I'm bitter lol but at least she did this

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Physical roundtable discussion definitely better. It would be very interesting to see them interact with one another. But covid so yeah

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"i want to start with you Gaga" 

i already feel bad for the other ones lmaaao :giveup:

Gaga talking about her immersive experience to embrace the accent and after her Kristen just comes like "Emmm yuh i just worked the accent with my coach and tried not to overthink it" 


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Hmmm anyone got the feeling that KStew may have been getting PR training from JLaw’s Silver Linings era publicist? You know that whole cool girl vs. theatre kid thing with Anne Hathaway.

Not going to work though. Even though Gaga is the theatre kid, she ain’t Anne Hathaway.

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1 hour ago, dojo said:

Gaga talking about her immersive experience to embrace the accent and after her Kristen just comes like "Emmm yuh i just worked the accent with my coach and tried not to overthink it" 


I haven't seen the video but omg :air:

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11 minutes ago, YourEvilTwin said:

Hmmm anyone got the feeling that KStew may have been getting PR training from JLaw’s Silver Linings era publicist? You know that whole cool girl vs. theatre kid thing with Anne Hathaway.

Not going to work though. Even though Gaga is the theatre kid, she ain’t Anne Hathaway.

idk because i just finish watching the whole thing and Kristen was actually very awkward and nerdy and sometimes she even reminded me of Gaga in how passionate and deep she is about playin Diana.

Gaga was very quiet btw :partysick:

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Oh Kristen is so hard to watch… she always feels so forced :saladga:


Ok i take that back… I just finished the interview and she was actually very polite and smart, she really has changed… I dig it :vegas:

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3 hours ago, Spartacus said:

Apparently Gaga's method acting approach is "absurd" to Ms. Stewart. Nicole for the win. :coffee:

Y'know, the more I think about this the more annoyed I get. You can tell how much Gaga respects all those women and how much she just wants them to like her and (imo) Kristen was just being very dismissive with what Gaga had to say. :koons:

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Maybe unpopular yet brave, i really liked seeing kristen and gaga talking to each other and i dont think kristen tried to „teach“ teach things to gaga, more that they had an artistic conversation where you dont have to agree every time, probably more the opposite tbh (edit: k even gave gaga really good advise about not being harmful to herself when she gets so deep in the personifications and that she used to do the same thing, probably one of the reasons her Bella always felt so awkward and forced). Also, gaga herself said towards the end that shes just so impressed by all of them, this is „just“ her second movie, these ladys are in the business for yeaars now. 
I never was a big fan of Kristen, i think i even jumped on the „shes such a bad actor“ train (the one 10yr old video on youtube where she has the 3 moves… you know) but i liked seeing her in this interview how she talks about her work and the art. 

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5 hours ago, previously said:

At last! But I just need to know why she didn't do the Hollywood Reporter roundtable 

Probably wasn’t booked for it since she did it fairly recently. They try to mix it up as much as they can

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