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Kim Kardashian says she is neither a Republican nor a Democrat


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"I want this country to be a better place for ALL people but I don't want anything to change to make it happen" :neyde:

Nobody wants a tax increase but it's necessary to truly make a change, hearing rich people complain about it while "believing" in equality makes me cringe. :triggered: Just shut up then.

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i think its incredibly dangerous for people to be "fiscally conservative". thats basically code for rich people continuing to find tax loopholes and make more money in a day than most people make annually. So while you're someone like elon musk who has 300 billion and get away with (BARELY) paying taxes that are nowhere proportionate to your income, people making 50k a year who barely have enough money for bills get a fourth or even a third of their income taken out for taxes. 

and since when did taxes become equally important as human rights ??? when did taxes become as important as saving the environment ??? 


if kim had not made millions from literally having zero talent, she would not be speaking in such an ignorant way. how can you be for prison reform when the tax codes you say you support are benefiting the top 1% who have oppressed people of color through the justice system for decades ???? 

if elon musk was taxed 50% his net worth would still be approx 150 billion which is more than one needs to live 150 lifetimes......

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14 hours ago, HuffsAhoy said:

Some things are a little more important than social justice :coffee: If it comes to me having to pay lower taxes you bet I'm voting for that choice.

Okay but then you are rushed to the hospital with a several thousand dollar bill, you enjoy that :messga:

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14 hours ago, HuffsAhoy said:

Some things are a little more important than social justice :coffee: If it comes to me having to pay lower taxes you bet I'm voting for that choice.

unless youre making more than 400k you dont pay more in taxes under democrats plans. and if you do make 400k a year, you can sure as hell pay more taxes than someone who makes 40k year pls do some research.

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lol at people saying "i wanna pay less in taxes" 

unless youre making 400,000 dollars or more, under democrat's plans, you wont pay more. and i can guarantee someone who makes 400k a year does not have time to be posting on gagadaily lmao 

the billionaires are laughing at you 50k a year workers defending them while they completely abuse the tax systems.

liberals simply want to make people like elon musk who has 300 bil to his name pay more than the average american which is completely fair. 

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2 hours ago, jeremiahsaint1000 said:

lol at people saying "i wanna pay less in taxes" 

unless youre making 400,000 dollars or more, under democrat's plans, you wont pay more. and i can guarantee someone who makes 400k a year does not have time to be posting on gagadaily lmao 

the billionaires are laughing at you 50k a year workers defending them while they completely abuse the tax systems.

liberals simply want to make people like elon musk who has 300 bil to his name pay more than the average american which is completely fair. 


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18 hours ago, FfFfFfFF said:

She sounds resonable and tame, still I expect the woke crowd on Twitter to lynch her. Extememism hates moderation and resonability.

Low taxes on the rich is not a reasonable, tame, nor a moderate position tho 

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2 hours ago, Meat said:

This lmao. GGD is filled with conservatives 

No it’s not? Lol there’s like 5 max. Most people who bash Dems here are leftists

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Taxes that the republicans want? She means the LACK of taxes. Greedy disgusting woman. Anyone who is a fan of these deplorable creatures is a cretan. Thank god I don’t live in America! Tax the super wealthy! How much money do these losers need. They do contribute nothing to society except take from the working class while promoting unhappiness and unrealistic materialistic consumerist standards. Professional layabouts! 

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Future Lovers
14 hours ago, HuffsAhoy said:

This is such a gross generalization, it borderlines on parody. I live in rural southeast North Carolina, all of my family and every one I know are conservatives. I have never once been in a situation where I've encountered people who are unwilling to listen to an alternative point of view. In fact, the only people I've ever met like that are liberals. You can't claim all conservatives are dumb hicks, especially when these so called closed minded conservatives threw my husband and I a gay wedding party back in September. Attitudes like yours are why the left is losing credibility fast across the nation. Serves you right, too. 

And that's good for you, I'm happy for you. But not everyone has been blessed with that sort of experience. Just because you have had a positive experience with conservatives, doesn't mean that everyone else has.

I've had some good experiences with them. Living in Tennessee, god knows I'm surrounded by them enough. But I've also had plenty of terrible experiences with them doing exactly the sort of thing that the post you're quoting said: they refused to listen to another perspective. 

Your experience is one experienced by a minority of non-conservatives in the south, and you're very lucky to have that experience. Some of us haven't been as lucky, so before you go finger pointing saying "you're the problem", maybe consider that not all of us are given the privilege of being surrounded by the types of conservatives that you are. 

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2 hours ago, StarstruckIllusion said:

No it’s not? Lol there’s like 5 max. Most people who bash Dems here are leftists

Where are those leftists now that there’s an entire thread celebrating a billionaire that doesn’t want to pay her taxes lol 

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