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Kim Kardashian says she is neither a Republican nor a Democrat


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This thread turned into a contest of GGD's Top Republican real quick :partysick:

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6 hours ago, Teletubby said:

I believe in the taxes that the Republicans want


do i need to understand a pineapple to eat a banana
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Sneaky Oliver
6 hours ago, John Wayne said:

Why would they ask her what her favorite Taylor song is in a politic-centered interview :triggered:

:rip: I’m actually screaming and gagging irl :ladyhaha:

In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel living in the Garden Of Eden
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3 hours ago, majkl said:

I understand where you’re coming from, in my opinion, talking with other left wing people can be a constant struggle. There’s always this need to ‘be better’ and make people feel like they’re dumb, instead of spreading their ideas and knowledge and opening people up to listen. This is my biggest issue with left wing people, there’s this constant need to prove people that they’re better than everyone. I used to be in this political party and people would not be afraid to start arguments over literally anything. You could say for example; “I like the sun” and they would turn it around like; “but you do realise that a lot of people are dying because of it, right?” and it seemed like they were too busy debating irrelevant topics instead of making the party stronger. Now, I am not a conservative, but I did have struggles speaking with people on the far-right (and that’s easy, considering the fact that my family used to be on the far-right) and in my situation, I’d try to be open, listen to their ideas, but every time if I’d said something, I would be a ‘neoliberal rat’, a ‘traitor’ or even gross racist and xenophobic comments would be made. But again, this is regarding people on the far-right. I do believe that it doesn’t matter if you’re left or right, there’s idiots everywhere, regardless of their political ideologies. 

But this isn't about trivial things such as making one feel superior, this is about our human rights. There is a good chance that they will overturn Roe V Wade, what do you think is next, gay marriage maybe? This is all far beyond and above personal, petty interest. This is about universal healthcare, education reform, voting and election reform, environmental protection laws, women's rights, gay rights, everyones rights. Rich conservatives have weaponized religion to meet their agenda. While also keeping the poor uneducated and poverty stricken, leading them to vote against their own best interest.

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2 minutes ago, calpky said:

But this isn't about trivial things such making one feel superior, this is about our human rights. There is a good chance that they will overturn Roe V Wade, what do you think is next, gay marriage maybe? This is all far beyond and above personal, petty interest. This is about universal healthcare, education reform, voting and election reform, environmental protection laws, women's rights, gay rights, everyones rights. Rich conservatives have weaponized religion to meet their agenda. While also keeping the poor uneducated and poverty stricken, leading them to vote against their own best interest.

Listen, I am not from the US. Obviously, anything regarding the deterioration of human rights is horrible. But, the thing is, democrats have failed in their approach to tackle these issues. Of course, all the things you’ve mentioned, are important. But on the other hand, the Democratic Party looks like they are getting the wrong people in office and even if someone is getting voted into office from the Democratic Party, they are violating other people’s human rights in for example the Middle East. It isn’t like this information that you can’t find easily. A lot of US presidents are warmongering maniacs terrorising other states in the sake of ‘human rights’ while their own state is an utter joke on this topic. Yes, it is a topic which is very important, and we need to fight against any form of violation of these rights, but I simply believe that the US needs an complete political overhaul in order to prevent this from happening.

majkl > kitsch
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1 hour ago, calpky said:

I - 

Unimpressed Viola Davis GIF


1 hour ago, Fanta said:

I am sitting here in the twilight zone.


Yall just can't stand to read an opposing point of view :ladyhaha: 

You remind me that it's such a wonderful thing to love.
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Bella Goth
11 hours ago, xlx said:

Oh what a surprise, a rich person doesn't want to pay taxes 

but if u as rich as them. will u pay taxes?

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Couldn't she have not said anything and just looked good in her Balenciaga. I swear she is so...dumb?

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I mean its better to be able to see both sides of the spectrum. There probably certain values of the republican party that we all can agree with just like there are democratic values that we might not agree with. Im more of a liberal. 

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9 hours ago, calpky said:

These comments got me shook, are you all a bunch easily impressionable, closest conservatives? 

CLOSET? This your first time on GGD?

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I started to like her a few years ago, she seemed more intelligent than given credit for and very calm and kind. But I'm starting to dislike her again the past year or two

Not that it matters who I like or don't like I guess

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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