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4 years of the JWT!


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4 minutes ago, Miel said:

Over time, I've come to terms that the JWT is probably her best tour- and I've been holding that flame for BTWB and MB2.0 for years!

Just pure performance and excellent musicianship. I wish we got more professional videos of this tour. Everything about it is pure talent.

Its for sure Top 2, those lights were amazing, I was shooked with them, that Paparazzi-Angel Down transition was so satisfying to watch.

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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My show was cancelled and we never got a professional release, but it sure is her best tour for me :giveup:

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Can't believe it's been 4 years!!

I went to the Denver show and one of the Vegas shows. An incredible experience, I'll never forget it, and my favorite Gaga tour!

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Still waiting for the Hamburg, Germany show to leak since they filmed it, and didn't do **** with it.

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Btw, the vocals alone prove it to be her BEST tour, plus those visuals and incredible moving stage just add to this undeniable FACT.

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Please Gaga and team release the professional recording on Netflix or Disney+. You did such an incredible job those last 2 shows. 

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