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Gaga's Accent in House of Gucci


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As an English speaker, it is hard to differentiate the difference when you compare Patrizia’s accent to Gaga’s. For most of the English-speaking audience, it will be more than “Italian enough”. I do feel it’s a bit weird, but i think it’s because I know Gaga’s voice so well snd my brain is immediately aware she’s doing an accent. But yes, I think it’ll be received well by most people! It does sound a bit Russian but I think Patrizia’s accent sounds Russian too so :gaycat:

🇨🇺🇧🇸 monica from rhoslc kinda had a point
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5 hours ago, KarmaPolice said:

So here's a comparision with Patrizia


Just nitpicking tho, nothing serious :) 

Nothing serious yet you created a thread about it :popcorn:

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To me as a Slavic person (Slovak is my mother tongue) it doesn't sound russian at all. 

I'm not having fun tonight.
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Mother of Puppies

Everybody keeps forgetting that when u speak a foreign language u try not to have an accent… it’s good that they didn’t exaggerate it because any Italians who speak good English try to pronounce everything as good as they can

Another thing is: it may sound odd to some people because if (some) Italians speak English their grammar is not 100% correct but in the movie it’s just the accent while the grammar is perfect. 

when I speak English I am trying my best not to have an accent - I’ve been told that I sound American (which I try as hard as I can) but for sure I have a small accent here and there depending on the words 


russians on the other hand speak from their throat.. it’s a very unique accent - and Gaga sounds nothing like it

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If this was anyone other than Gaga playing the part I’m sure we’d just accept the accent and move on. We only want to know cuz we’re obsessed stans lol


most of the GP won’t think twice about anything other than how she’s SERVING OSCAR REALNESS. :legend:

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4 hours ago, MotherOfPuppies said:

Oh and I dunno if any of u read the book - but it said that Patrizia speaks English (and I believe also French) fluently- 


and in the video she did roll the r - on some words they exaggerate it and with other words they don’t. An accent is different with every person cuz we are all unique. Gaga’s character might pronounce words differently than Adams character cuz they might have grown up in different areas and under different circumstances. Some people are also better at languages than others. No accent is the same - something I have noticed when I moved to a different country 



Yeah exactly. There's no such thing as perfect Italian accent or something cause every Italian speaks differently. They may sound familiar but it depends on a lot of factors. I am polish and I know how accent can differ so much listening to my friends speaking English. Some of them have a more thick accent, some of them (like me) have more of an "native speaking person" accent. 

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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I think what she's missing in the accent (that we've heard!!) is the little connecting sounds that italians have when speaking english. I remember listening to someone with a thick accent speak and they would say things like "book-ah" instead of "book" and "help-uh" instead of "help." It's a less dramatic version of the "it's-a me mario" joke lol.


Without those little musical sounding connections between words it does sound more russian that italian. And I think her vowels are more american than romance (as someone who's a native spanish speaker, the romance vowels are more rounded than gaga's giving). 

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3 hours ago, Karen Smith said:

I speak Polish and yes her accent is like polish or russian, but it's cute. I guess it's not easy to say strong R for an American person. 

I don't know a polish person that speaks like that. 😅

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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38 minutes ago, pachinko said:

Nothing serious yet you created a thread about it :popcorn:

tell me more about it

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I thought it was russian too based on my absolutely no real first hand knowledge of any actual russians or italians lol. But I still thought it sounded good, like I enjoy the characterization she's giving a lot and I think there's a good chance she did a great job in this role based on this trailer, acting-wise. 

This is her first role that's not a small cameo, basically herself (ASIB), or a weird emotionless vampire. This is really the first time we've seen her acting IMO. 

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Karen Smith
10 minutes ago, Emigrante said:

I don't know a polish person that speaks like that. 😅

Yes I know but I mean this accent is very easy to use for polish people, cause we can have strong R as well

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Kamoooon. I've watched Sophie's Choice and Meryl's Polisg accent was not exactly Polish let alone her Polish language. Actors are actors, not polyglots. And trust me! She will do GREAT in full version. Please stop jinxing this great opportunity and stop looking for flaws where there is none. Gaga is not going to speak like a 2021 Italian bilingual woman

IG: @bartoszprazuch
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I've watched the video of Patrizia and I think Gaga looks like her and sounds like her, and that is presumably what she is trying to do, rather than sounding 'Italian'.


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I think the accent was kind of lacking. Obviously, to an extend it was bound to happen, as speaking English in a convincing Italian accent is probably harder than just speaking Italian. There are lots of subtilities and pronounciation details no foreigner would be able to master. Her accent in the way it can be heard in the trailer lacks the musicality of Italian, and instead sounds harsh and gutural almost (it wasn't 'bad' per se but not truly convincing). This is why people say it sounded more Russian rather than Italian.

I hope I don't get attacked because of this (as I see many are praising the accent), but this is the thruth and what we can infer based on the trailer.

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