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House of Gucci । Reviews


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On 12/10/2021 at 10:27 PM, YourEvilTwin said:

Ugh... If there's one pundit I want to see bullied by Twitter stans, it's that babbling bitch Anne Thompson.

Obviously kidding. Sorta. **** her though.

I was watching her moderate an Adam Driver Q&A recently and he had just walked out after she introduced him and barely sat down and she launched into the first question.. He was like wtf? :wtf: like you're not even going to warm up first? 😅

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With 280 critic ratings added, film hasn't gotten a single review added on RT in two days. Safe to say that the film has gotten a majority of its final reviews. It'll probably reach up to 330 or more in the next year or so. I think it's safe in terms of peaking between 60-62%. 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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12 hours ago, ConnorFilm said:

Here's my problem with RT. 

DiandraReviews posted a positive review of HOG all the back on November 23. RT hasn't uploaded that review, but they sure as hell posted Diandra's Spider-Man review today.

What gives!?

The film is down to a 60% with one new review. I have come up with a new idea if anyone wants to continue emailing. 

Matt Goldberg, Diandra Reviews, Christina Newland, Danny Minton and Lapacazo Sandoval have all had reviews for films since HOG posted on RT, despite their reviews for HOG not being counted on the site yet. 

I just used an email template like this when contacting RT support: 

Good evening, 

I was going through (critic)'s reviews and noticed their November review of "House of Gucci" is still not up on Rotten Tomatoes, despite the fact that newer, more recent reviews of theirs are counted on the website. Can their "House of Gucci" review please be added and counted to the film? 

Thank you!

(link of their review) 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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Film is about to go 59% on Rotten with two new negative reviews. The little movie fought as hard as it could. Thanks to everyone who emailed Rotten Tomatoes support when I posted the links in here. <3


At least Gaga is getting critical acclaim and the film is doing well at the box office. 


Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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Big Reputation
1 hour ago, ConnorFilm said:

Film is about to go 59% on Rotten with two new negative reviews. The little movie fought as hard as it could. Thanks to everyone who emailed Rotten Tomatoes support when I posted the links in here. <3


At least Gaga is getting critical acclaim and the film is doing well at the box office. 


Have the other positive reviews you mentioned earlier been added yet? 

When it’s dark outside you’re always the light
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5 minutes ago, Reputation King said:

Have the other positive reviews you mentioned earlier been added yet? 

These are S T I L L not counted.

Christina Newland - iNews.co.uk https://inews.co.uk/culture/film/house-of-gucci-review-lady-gaga-jared-leto-accent-adam-driver-uk-cinema-release-1313771
Danny Minton - Houston Community Newspapers -http://crunchonthis.com/2021/12/popcorn-perspectives-with-danny-minton-week-of-november-29-2021/
Diandra Reviews - diandrareviewsitall.com https://diandrareviewsitall.com/movie-review-house-of-gucci/
Liz Braun - AWFJ https://awfj.org/blog/2021/11/24/house-of-gucci-review-by-liz-braun/
Matt Goldberg - Collider https://collider.com/house-of-gucci-review-lady-gaga-jared-leto/
Michelle Jaworski - The Daily Dot https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/movies/house-of-gucci-review/
Mel Valentin - ScreenAnarchyhttps://screenanarchy.com/2021/11/review-house-of-gucci-a-camp-classic-in-the-making.html
Nick Levine - NME https://www.nme.com/reviews/film-reviews/house-of-gucci-review-lady-gaga-adam-driver-3101847
Pradeep Menon - Firstpost https://www.firstpost.com/entertainment/house-of-gucci-movie-review-lady-gaga-wins-the-ensemble-battle-in-this-slick-campy-family-drama-10165841.html
Renuka Vyavahare - The Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/english/movie-reviews/house-of-gucci/movie-review/87903987.cms
Sankhayan Ghosh - Film Companion - https://www.filmcompanion.in/reviews/hollywood-review/house-of-gucci-netflix-review-headline-lady-gaga-adam-driver-jared-leto-salma-hayek/
John Campea - The John Campea Show - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjjker8wNX0AhWJk2oFHUpoBcAQwqsBegQIAhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVsnjk7wuJeA&usg=AOvVaw0yDXu7zkEPMcL1ry6NQ8TU
John Rocha - The Outlaw Nation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgY3WmznUnw
Lapacazo Sandoval - New York Amsterdam News -https://amsterdamnews.com/news/2021/12/02/house-of-gucci-you-cannot-look-away-as-the-house-crumbles/ 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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Big Reputation
1 hour ago, ConnorFilm said:

These are S T I L L not counted.

Christina Newland - iNews.co.uk https://inews.co.uk/culture/film/house-of-gucci-review-lady-gaga-jared-leto-accent-adam-driver-uk-cinema-release-1313771
Danny Minton - Houston Community Newspapers -http://crunchonthis.com/2021/12/popcorn-perspectives-with-danny-minton-week-of-november-29-2021/
Diandra Reviews - diandrareviewsitall.com https://diandrareviewsitall.com/movie-review-house-of-gucci/
Liz Braun - AWFJ https://awfj.org/blog/2021/11/24/house-of-gucci-review-by-liz-braun/
Matt Goldberg - Collider https://collider.com/house-of-gucci-review-lady-gaga-jared-leto/
Michelle Jaworski - The Daily Dot https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/movies/house-of-gucci-review/
Mel Valentin - ScreenAnarchyhttps://screenanarchy.com/2021/11/review-house-of-gucci-a-camp-classic-in-the-making.html
Nick Levine - NME https://www.nme.com/reviews/film-reviews/house-of-gucci-review-lady-gaga-adam-driver-3101847
Pradeep Menon - Firstpost https://www.firstpost.com/entertainment/house-of-gucci-movie-review-lady-gaga-wins-the-ensemble-battle-in-this-slick-campy-family-drama-10165841.html
Renuka Vyavahare - The Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/english/movie-reviews/house-of-gucci/movie-review/87903987.cms
Sankhayan Ghosh - Film Companion - https://www.filmcompanion.in/reviews/hollywood-review/house-of-gucci-netflix-review-headline-lady-gaga-adam-driver-jared-leto-salma-hayek/
John Campea - The John Campea Show - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjjker8wNX0AhWJk2oFHUpoBcAQwqsBegQIAhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVsnjk7wuJeA&usg=AOvVaw0yDXu7zkEPMcL1ry6NQ8TU
John Rocha - The Outlaw Nation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgY3WmznUnw
Lapacazo Sandoval - New York Amsterdam News -https://amsterdamnews.com/news/2021/12/02/house-of-gucci-you-cannot-look-away-as-the-house-crumbles

Do we know it’s going to fall to rotten now though? Hopefully they’ll add these soon! I emailed them last night

When it’s dark outside you’re always the light
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37 minutes ago, Reputation King said:

Do we know it’s going to fall to rotten now though? Hopefully they’ll add these soon! I emailed them last night

My guess is three more negative reviews in a row and it’s going to drop. The negative reviews won’t stop, we just need the positive ones to be added so there’s a balance and the score can stay where it’s at. 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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Big Reputation
30 minutes ago, ConnorFilm said:

My guess is three more negative reviews in a row and it’s going to drop. The negative reviews won’t stop, we just need the positive ones to be added so there’s a balance and the score can stay where it’s at. 

I emailed them again from my work email tonight 😂

When it’s dark outside you’re always the light
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21 minutes ago, Reputation King said:

I emailed them again from my work email tonight 😂

You’re doing great, sweetie! 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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We're done. Rotten is coming. This last review is pretty harsh

"If the point was to treat the characters like animals in a zoo, laughing and pointing at them through the glass for being what they are, mission accomplished, but doing so renders the climax trivial and the rest of the production unimportant."

This is probably the only critic that if little monsters attacked on twitter I wouldn't be mad

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