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House of Gucci । Reviews


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I'm so pissed. If HoG was at like 55% I wouldn't ever bother about this anymore. But if it ends up being rotten by ONE point it would just be really depressing.

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8 minutes ago, OnionGirl said:

Can you guys please fill this form saying these reviews should be fresh? https://fandango.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3NMwx66TSe9KAfz

Matt Goldberg - Collider B- (ALL of this guy's B- reviews on RT are fresh)

Zehra Phelan - Flavourmag 3/5 (she clearly liked the movie despite its flaws - the woman literally said it's enjoyable and entertaining)

I was just about to post about this! 
Can y’all fill out this “mischaracterization” form. They should be able to change it. :) https://fandango.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3NMwx66TSe9KAfz


Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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1 minute ago, OnionGirl said:

I'm so pissed. If HoG was at like 55% I wouldn't ever bother about this anymore. But if it ends up being rotten by ONE point it would just be really depressing.

That’s why I’m still fighting so hard to keep this thing at 60%. The fact that it’s so close to teetering into rotten territory is frustrating. 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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1 minute ago, ConnorFilm said:

That’s why I’m still fighting so hard to keep this thing at 60%. The fact that it’s so close to teetering into rotten territory is frustrating. 

Ikr. To be fair that Collider review really doesn't sound too good but I don't care because a quick look at that critic's page shows me all of his B- reviews are fresh.

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I also would suggest sending an email to [email protected]

He’s a review curation person for RT. Collider’s review and Danny’s review were on my list that I sent him yesterday, so they appear to be listening. 

Christina Newland - iNews.co.ukhttps://inews.co.uk/culture/film/house-of-gucci-review-lady-gaga-jared-leto-accent-adam-driver-uk-cinema-release-1313771 
Diandra Reviews - diandrareviewsitall.com -https://diandrareviewsitall.com/movie-review-house-of-gucci/ 
Liz Braun - AWFJ - https://awfj.org/blog/2021/11/24/house-of-gucci-review-by-liz-braun/ 
Michelle Jaworski - The Daily Dot -https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/movies/house-of-gucci-review/ 
Mel Valentin - ScreenAnarchy -https://screenanarchy.com/2021/11/review-house-of-gucci-a-camp-classic-in-the-making.html 
Nick Levine - NME -https://www.nme.com/reviews/film-reviews/house-of-gucci-review-lady-gaga-adam-driver-3101847 
Pradeep Menon - Firstpost -https://www.firstpost.com/entertainment/house-of-gucci-movie-review-lady-gaga-wins-the-ensemble-battle-in-this-slick-campy-family-drama-10165841.html 
Renuka Vyavahare - The Times of India -https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/english/movie-reviews/house-of-gucci/movie-review/87903987.cms 
Sankhayan Ghosh - Film Companion -https://www.filmcompanion.in/r


Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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- John Campea for The John Campea Show (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vsnjk7wuJeA)
- John Rocha for The Outlaw Nation (https://youtu.be/XgY3WmznUnw)
- Lapacazo Sandoval for New York Amsterdam News (https://amsterdamnews.com/news/2021/12/02/house-of-gucci-you-cannot-look-away-as-the-house-crumbles/)
- Jackie K. Cooper for jackiekcooper.com (https://youtu.be/z6g2Banqgn8)
- James Mottram for The National UAE (https://www.thenationalnews.com/arts-culture/2021/11/23/house-of-gucci-review-an-operatic-story-of-family-treachery/?outputType=amp)
- Lauren Veneziani for WBAL-TV Baltimore (https://www.wbaltv.com/amp/article/dc-film-girl-halle-berry-movie-reviews/38365760)
- Mara Reinstein for Us Weekly (https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/best-movies-of-2021-coda-house-of-gucci-and-more-full-list/amp/)
- Roe McDermott for Hot Press (https://www.hotpress.com/music/film-review-house-of-gucci-the-dysfunctional-web-of-family-money-and-power-makes-house-of-gucci-feel-like-a-better-dressed-version-of-succession-22885007)

I also have these reviews. Some of these critics haven't logged any new reviews recently but they're still approved critics and should count.

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3 minutes ago, OnionGirl said:

I’ve emailed them enough, so someone should kindly email this new list of reviews to [email protected] or [email protected]

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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Also the first Australian review was added today (it's released there next week I think). There are a lot of Australian critics on RT, so they are the ones who will ultimately decide whether HoG finishes fresh or rotten.

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This is why emailing them matters, guys! They just added three positive reviews all at once! I think [email protected] is the one looking over the list I sent him. 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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6 minutes ago, ConnorFilm said:

This is why emailing them matters, guys! They just added three positive reviews all at once! I think [email protected] is the one looking over the list I sent him. 

Finally! I knew we should'nt give up. 

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OH MY GOD, so many more added and we're up to 61! Maybe it's really this Steven guy.

Email him again thanking for that and listing those remaining reviews. @ConnorFilm

We need to do it while he's active :excited2:

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avalon x

Reposting this from another thread because I thought it's really important. 

I just watched it for the second time and might I tell you.. it was so much better. It felt at least like an 8/10 this time.

Now that I know more of the story and heard Gaga talk more about the movie, it felt so much more complete. On my first watch I thought the scenes were so random and irrelevant but now, the transition of the scenes and the storyline felt a lot smoother.

I'd definitely recommend a second watch, even if it's on digital platforms. If the theatres are still running it, it's so worth it if you catch it. It was probably the last day of screening here today and I loved every minute of it.

Also you really appreciate how nuanced Gaga and Adam's acting is. Spoiler alert -

How Patrizia feels like trash after Maurizio's dad hugs him for having the baby and says "This is why we need more women." I didn't realize this till I heard Gaga say it in an interview. It was one of the first things which started breaking Patrizia's spirit.

When Maurizio gets the first sign that Patrizia's overstepping and meddling in the business when she first talks to Aldo behind his back.

The cool toned scenes which reflect their marriage falling apart.

And a lot more! Gaga's face says so much throughout the entire movie and listening to her interviews and her intention of it, really brings everything together.

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