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"Fear Street" Trilogy (Only on Netflix)


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The first one was dog's barf but still watchable, the second one...well, while writing this I was thinking about the movie I had to switch to at the end to not delete my netflix account

Генерал Марина Абрамовић
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I grew up reading these books so the movies have been fun! The first one was a BIG surprise (great acting, story, suspense, soundtrack)

I skimmed reviews for the 2nd one (1978) which claimed it was better than the first and jumped right into the action. On the contrary, I found 1978 to be slow, mediocre acting, and was waiting around for the horror. Still a decent flick but the first one was miles better. Pacing was definitely an issue with the second one. 

Excited for the finale (1666)!

discord.gg/hausofmayhem 1 Year and 1000+ Members!
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41 minutes ago, Daenerys said:

The first one was exactly what I expected from a Fear Street addition. The same with the second but the first act of movie 2 was soooooo slow. It didn’t pick up until the killings started which were AWESOME. 

I didn’t like the fact that Fear Street isn’t mentioned, like, at all. And that they changed the neighboring town from Waynesbridge to Sunnyvale or sumn like that. I also didn’t like that they’re changing the whole saga about the beginning of the Fier curse because the Goode vs Fier plot in the OG books was actually really good. But I guess sacrifices have to be made for a movie. I was obsessed with these books and still have the entire 114 catalogue on my bookshelf. 

there’s so much they can do with this series, I REALLY hope this isn’t the end of it. 

Omg the nostalgia I would feel browsing your book collection! Fear Street Saga books were the BEST!

discord.gg/hausofmayhem 1 Year and 1000+ Members!
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1 minute ago, WheresMy911Alice said:

Omg the nostalgia I would feel browsing your book collection! Fear Street Saga books were the BEST!

The movies made me feel EXTREMELY nostalgic so I’ve been reading them. I love the Silent Night books so I’m finishing up those. Im thinking of reading Fear Park next or the Cheerleaders, I can’t decide!! I even have the collector edition books that came out in like 1999-2000 that had the 3 books in 1! They’re soooo bad but soooo fun to read 


Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen
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18 hours ago, GucciGa said:


Drunk Sex And The City GIF

Did you manage it? I fell asleep not long after I posted so missed half of it. The struggle to turn netflix on, find the spot and focus is real! 

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it
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4 minutes ago, Dominic said:

Did you manage it? I fell asleep not long after I posted so missed half of it. The struggle to turn netflix on, find the spot and focus is real! 

No I haven't returned to it yet. I prob will over the weekend bc the next movie is coming but def not as into it as others seem to be. But i knew nothing about the books either 

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half psychotic

I enjoyed them both and I am super excited for part 3! The Fear Street books were my absolute favorite books in my youth so I'm loving these movies! They're not cinematic excellence or anything but they've been such a fun ride!

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The first two were quite weak imo. Found the stories too derivative.

But the trailer for 1666 looks amazing, so holding my hopes for the last part.

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