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Poppy - Her

Lottie Winters

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Lottie Winters

Poppy just released her new single and video “Her”. She keeps us fed with iconic visuals and tunes! <3


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Joshie S

It's SO GOOD! It's a natural progression for me to hear, from EAT.

This song is really addressing all of the Titanic drama and she's really saying that she's not "her" anymore.

I literally love it. :enigma:Love you Poppy can't wait to see whats next omg lemme go listen again for the 10th time

The melody that you choose can rescue you ♥
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First, a two minutes song for a lead is a strange choice, maybe it's more a promo single?
Then, as far as I love Poppy and litterally EVERYTHING she did, I think it's her most generic song in ages, I hope it doesn't reflect the direction of her next album, it sounds like a lot of 90's bands to me, with nothing more...
I miss the "Poppy" factor, I need some fusion, psychedelism and craziness. "I Disagree" was a really good evolution, I'm ok if she wants to do something more adult and listenable but she has to keep her strong identity
First time that I'm underwhelmed by something from her, but I'll be there for the next though  :flutter:

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Poppy is always doing so much

Last year we got the album, deluxe version, EP, second graphic novel and soundtrack for it

This year EP, new single, new album coming

Love it

red wine, cheap perfume and a filthy pout
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Born This Way

Amazing omg. Just like a week or whatever after a whole EP too :nooo:

Run run with her top down baby she flies
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I like the lyrics but the instrumental is not really my cup of tea :awkney: . I still stan her and look forward to that album :pray:

Ew, David!
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i wish the song was longer😭

but for real the lyrics really caught me off guard, i’m happy she’s expressing herself though

totally stream "love can't save me now" by it's me, buddy :D
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Lottie Winters
4 hours ago, itsmebuddy said:

i wish the song was longer😭

but for real the lyrics really caught me off guard, i’m happy she’s expressing herself though


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