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Disney DRAGGED for being fake woke during Pride Month


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Just now, PartySick said:

I mean...

This is getting a bit personal :bear:

So yeah, you guys should probs just agree to disagree to keep your skin clear and stress levels to a minimum :flower:

Noted! Thanks for stepping in :kiss:

You remind me that it's such a wonderful thing to love.
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3 minutes ago, HuffsAhoy said:

Noted! Thanks for stepping in :kiss:

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Disney can go suck it omfg the nerve :saladga:


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Be gay friendly for a month of profit but not the other 11...:reductive:

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52 minutes ago, HuffsAhoy said:

Meh, nothing more than a bunch of whiny Twitter liberals upset over nothing. I worked for Disney for three years and they are without a doubt the most gay friendly company in the States. Their activism is genuine and has been deep rooted for quite a while. They do a ton of charity work in Orlando and contributed a ton after Pulse. Stay pressed haters :whitney:

Well for context Alex Hirsch in the OP is the creator of the Disney Channel series Gravity Falls so if you're implying he's a random verified Twitter person then he's not :poot: 

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Meta Mart

I saw the Disney series love victor, I thought it was Disney, I dunno. There's some representation, I thought that was more genuine than love Simon, and less cringe, but they've obviously got a problem with representation. It's ok to be gay so long as you stay in your lane is a very **** message from Disney and they can rightly go **** themselves.

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5 hours ago, Werk said:
Alex Hirsch is the creator of the Disney Channel series Gravity Falls,


I just hate companies being fake. Hasnt the lgbtq community been through enough and is still going through it. Such companies should be dragged to filth

Where's the spunk, Adam?
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Watching their blockbusters (SW and the MCU) it feels like gay people do not exist. So yes, there is a problem. 

Someone mentioned Love, Victor. But that's only on Disney Plus internationally. In the US, when it had debuted, they bumped it from D+ to Hulu. They said it wasn't due to gay content but due to adult themes like alcohol. What a crap excuse, considering they were fine with putting it on D+ in the rest of the world. 

Representation does matter. When you watch something on screen, it feels great seeing someone like you in a story. For all the crap Netflix gets for pushing minorities everywhere, honestly that feels nice (not talking about the quality of the show or movie). 

Disney tries to cater to countries like China too much (obviously for the bug bucks) and it's a shame because 1. They're ignoring minorities in the rest of the world (and in China itself tbh) and 2. The more they cater to China the more China doesn't like their movies (see live-action Mulan reactions in China and I believe, but may be mistaken, Raya was also not well received in China). 

Disney, please, be better. 

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So there is a big difference between 

Being a gay friendly company and inclusive AT WORK

And being gay friendly and inclusive in the media productions you make


While the first one is true I have no doubt. Disney made it clear in the past to never include a queer main character that couldn't be edited out. 

The character from Thor played by Tessa Thomson is supposed to be bi or lesbian, but they made the director change that to "not disturb" the audience and get China and Iran mad. 

They moved Love, Victor from Disney+ to Hulu because they didn't want parents to be mad. They then put it back to + but on the Star Section (the section for mature audience)

And it doesn't stop here... 

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Born This Way
5 hours ago, Reality said:

Yeah, it's always so weird and gross when companies celebrate pride month, but then actively do nothing about LGBTQ activism for the rest of the year. It's especially gross when Disney has a ton of LGBTQ fans too.

I don't know much about their other properties, but with Marvel, there's said to be a prominent gay character in Eternals, and they've already introduced Wiccan and Speed into the MCU with WandaVision (who are gay and bisexual, respectively). If their inclusion just turns out to be vauge references to their sexuality, then they're going to f*ck up big time. Feige's already said that from Phase 4 and beyond, they're really focusing on inclusion, so let's see where that gets them.

If Disney f**k up Wiccan and Hulkling's romance in the MCU...


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28 minutes ago, Eido said:

So there is a big difference between 

Being a gay friendly company and inclusive AT WORK

And being gay friendly and inclusive in the media productions you make


While the first one is true I have no doubt. Disney made it clear in the past to never include a queer main character that couldn't be edited out. 

The character from Thor played by Tessa Thomson is supposed to be bi or lesbian, but they made the director change that to "not disturb" the audience and get China and Iran mad. 

They moved Love, Victor from Disney+ to Hulu because they didn't want parents to be mad. They then put it back to + but on the Star Section (the section for mature audience)

And it doesn't stop here... 

This. So what if they're doing work behind closed doors so nobody on the outside can see? It's a very public company and not showing any of this in their actual work is hypocritical. The goal is to change mentalities and this isn't going to happen if they're doing activism nobody knows about, and none of their characters can actually be LGBT. Because it just reenforces heteronormativity in the mind of every child that watches their movies growing up. 

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Imagine not caring about representation in media wtf the lengths some of y'all go to be a contrarian :triggered:

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