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SZA requested a black photographer for a magazine cover, got denied


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Just now, COOOK said:

We don't know all of the things you say or how or when it went down, which is also why your points are not valid lol

To clarify, I said your point was *not invalid* (in other words, it was valid). Just making sure that was clear.

If we don't know all of the details, though, why was it brought public via Twitter rant which inevitably leads to a cancel war? My point about taking proactive, positive steps is still absolutely valid. If she'd used her celebrity for positivity, then the shoot would've 1) gone forward with diverse staff as wanted, or 2) never happened since she would've refused it.

Celebrities have an exclusive opportunity to make ACTUAL proactively positive changes; 'normal' people cannot usually afford to make demands of an employer, such as creating more diverse workplaces. She can. She chose not to. And, now she's choosing to complain about it after accepting promotion, $, or both from this business. 

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22 minutes ago, Fresco said:

Would this not be racist to literally have power to hire someone and then say it has to be a black skinned person to do a job where skin color is irrelevant?

This sounds like illegal discrimination based on race.

Discrimination, you mean the one thing POC suffer the most. She obviously wanted to create awareness that black people can also do wonderful and creative things. 



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Just now, JustJames said:

To clarify, I said your point was *not invalid* (in other words, it was valid). Just making sure that was clear.

If we don't know all of the details, though, why was it brought public via Twitter rant which inevitably leads to a cancel war? My point about taking proactive, positive steps is still absolutely valid. If she'd used her celebrity for positivity, then the shoot would've 1) gone forward with diverse staff as wanted, or 2) never happened since she would've refused it.

Celebrities have an exclusive opportunity to make ACTUAL proactively positive changes; 'normal' people cannot usually afford to make demands of an employer, such as creating more diverse workplaces. She can. She chose not to. And, now she's choosing to complain about it after accepting promotion, $, or both from this business. 

I realized too late I'm so sorry, I read it all wrong; from the username to the invalid thing. My apologies

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Just came here to say that reverse racism does not exist, thank u :vegas:

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Unless the magazine is contractually obligated to use a certain photographer for their cover shoots I don’t see why they should decline. 

There’s still rampant inequality in the creative industry, that we really should give more opportunities to poc. Many times they’re the most creative ones. There’s also this issue of some white photographers not getting darker skin tones right in post-production. 

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I think if a magazine is willing to offer a star a cover then the star should not get to call the shots on who shoots it. Either accept it or gracefully decline.

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12 minutes ago, ThisGuyTony said:

Don’t artists get to choose their photographers tho? :huh: 

The opposite is more true. Magazines usually have their choice of photographers on rotation for the big shoots. It’s rare for an artist to have a say on that. I’m not sure about this but someone who at least had a say in it was Beyoncé for her last Vogue cover. 

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Good on her for sticking to her guns on this. It's requests like hers here that can change an industry for the better.

Purr more, hiss less.
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58 minutes ago, JustJames said:

I assume she refused to be paid by said magazine at the end, right? To stand up for such an injustice? 

This was a JOB she was HIRED for by an EMPLOYER; do you know many Americans / people would love to simply be able to have the opportunity to earn money? To walk in to a business and make demands way beyond the scope of ensuring a safe/healthy working environment is simply privilege showing its ugly head in a way people are too uncomfortable with confronting for some reason.

If SZA was concerned about the diversity of the team she'd be working with on this job, she could've vetted (or used her access to resources afford only to celebrities and elites) the employer, its record on such issues, and/or even made such requests prior to signing. Heck, she could've (should've) even offered to hire and provide staff that met her personal qualifications if it were a deal-breaker instead of 1) accepting a job offer, 2) insulting / disrespecting an employer on the job by telling them their staff was insufficient, 3) performing the work and accepting payment regardless, and 4) further disrespecting and smearing said employer afterwards.

WTF is wrong with people?

Well…you know what they say about assuming. :bye: 

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Not the reverse racism gang on this thread :bear: Years pass but GGD does not change at all :yennefer:

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28 minutes ago, whoresup said:

I think if a magazine is willing to offer a star a cover then the star should not get to call the shots on who shoots it. Either accept it or gracefully decline.

They need SZA more than she needs them. You really think her and her label are going to give the magazine free reign of her likeness? 

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1 minute ago, Bio said:

Not the reverse racism gang on this thread :bear: Years pass but GGD does not change at all :yennefer:

Yeah…it’s not new here. This site is slowly becoming a gay Parler. 

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There are so many more issues here, but some of y'all are really showing your microaggressions...

A lot of Black artists have spoken up in recent years about the impact of working with white people in the industry. Stylists who get to set and can't work with Black hair, MUAs who can't work on skin tones, and photographers who don't know how to light darker skin. 

(Leibowitz shot for Simone Biles is a recent example of that)

So if a Black person says they want a Black photographer, get them one. And it's not racist of them to ask.

And white people can't experience racism btw.

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2 minutes ago, Lilbit said:

This site is slowly becoming a gay Parler. 

the READ- :bradley::air:


accurate tho :poot:

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