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so after having Pokemon Y for about 4 months, im barely going to get my 2nd badge :emma:

I'm guessing you don't play it often? :laughga: The full storyline is like 20-25 hours I think :huh:

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Uhmm the one I have (from your Friend Safari :teehee: ) is Adamant with 252 HP and 252 Atk :P

The moveset is: Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Pursuit, and Memento

I prefer Memento over Will-O-Wisp because if I predict correctly, then I have a free turn to set-up with another Pokemon which would make it a lot easier to bulldoze through their team :creepflop:

I think Spiritomb's best used towards the later half of the match once the opponent's Pokemon are already weakened, because it can kill off weakened Pokemon with Shadow Sneak and Sucker Punch, and Pursuit if the opponent switches out :awesome:


Destiny Bond > Memento though


Better to force faint the opponent than just stat reduce them. (assuming you can predict the opponent with either Memento or Destiny Bond)

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so after having Pokemon Y for about 4 months, im barely going to get my 2nd badge :emma:
What?! I guess I should t say anything. I still haven't battled the Elite Four :emma:
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My Ghost Team VS A (mostly) Full team of Legendaries


I highly suggest you watch SkfVqR3.gif



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I made my first competitive team last night  :wtf: i still don't know how to use it and lose most of the time


i made it with a little help from the good sis PokEdit  :hor:


It's based on the ability Baton Pass 


Ninjask w/ Leftovers
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 248 HP / 224 Def / 36 Spe
Nature: Impish
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Protect
- Baton Pass


Rhyperior w/ Expert Belt
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 208 HP / 252 Atk / 48 SpD
Nature: Adamant
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Tail
- Stealth Rock (Move Tutor- B2/W2) / Poison Jab / Megahorn


Alakazam w/ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
- Energy Ball


Salamence w/ Focus Sash
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Naughty
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Outrage (Move Tutor- B2/W2) / Thunder Fang / Brick Break
- Fire Blast


Scizor w/ Metal Coat
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Nature: Adamant
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite (Move Tutor- B2/W2)/ X-Scissor
- U-turn
- Superpower (Move Tutor- B2/W2) / Brick Break


Chansey w/ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Nature: Bold
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Counter


My main issue while playing on the Battle Spot is the fact that I don't know Gen 2-4 Poke's very well.


I played Gen I, V and VI seriously and I know most of the types/moves on those mons but if the opponent has a Gen 2-4 Pokemon I have to go look up their strenght/weaknesses in the Pokedex and I flop  :noparty:  :noparty:  :noparty:


I guess I just need more practice to become a Pokemon master 

The Taylor Brigade: KNOCKOUT
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I started training my team to attempt to use it in competitive battling, but it's taking forever to level them up. Does anyone know a good place or way to level PokĂƒÆ’Â©mon up quickly?

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I started training my team to attempt to use it in competitive battling, but it's taking forever to level them up. Does anyone know a good place or way to level PokĂƒÆ’Â©mon up quickly?

The four star restaurant in Lumiose City, do the triple battle. The second trainer has a level 60-something Audino :flutter: Put the EXP share on and use level 3 EXP power right before you choose the triple battle option (it'll last for the whole duration because there's no breaks between the battles). I easily got my Pokemon to 80-100 like that :) Oh and also use the Lucky Egg on one of your Pokemon

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The four star restaurant in Lumiose City, do the triple battle. The second trainer has a level 60-something Audino :flutter: Put the EXP share on and use level 3 EXP power right before you choose the triple battle option (it'll last for the whole duration because there's no breaks between the battles). I easily got my Pokemon to 80-100 like that :) Oh and also use the Lucky Egg on one of your Pokemon
Oh yes! Thank you, Haroon!!! :hug:
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Ninjask w/ Leftovers

Ability: Speed Boost

EVs: 248 HP / 224 Def / 36 Spe

Nature: Impish

- Substitute

- Swords Dance

- Protect

- Baton Pass


Rhyperior w/ Expert Belt

Ability: Solid Rock

EVs: 208 HP / 252 Atk / 48 SpD

Nature: Adamant

- Earthquake

- Stone Edge

- Dragon Tail

- Stealth Rock (Move Tutor- B2/W2) / Poison Jab / Megahorn


Alakazam w/ Life Orb

Ability: Magic Guard

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Nature: Timid

- Psyshock

- Shadow Ball

- Dazzling Gleam

- Energy Ball


Salamence w/ Focus Sash

Ability: Moxie

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Nature: Naughty

- Dragon Claw

- Earthquake

- Outrage (Move Tutor- B2/W2) / Thunder Fang / Brick Break

- Fire Blast


Scizor w/ Metal Coat

Ability: Technician

EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD

Nature: Adamant

- Bullet Punch

- Bug Bite (Move Tutor- B2/W2)/ X-Scissor

- U-turn

- Superpower (Move Tutor- B2/W2) / Brick Break


Chansey w/ Eviolite

Ability: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Nature: Bold

- Toxic

- Seismic Toss

- Soft-Boiled

- Counter



a Baton Pass team ? well it's okay but

Taunt users have higher advantages than you. oh and believe me, there are a lot of them.


I suggest using Blissey over Chansey tho. one Knock Off on Chansey and it's all over for her.


Why put Metal Coat on Scizor ? Slap him a Leftover to support his health and replace Superpower

with Swords Dance. that way, when you switch in with Scizor against another mon which has less advantage than

him, predict an obvious switch from the foe and use Swords Dance. you should also put Pursuit over U-turn

cause he's not fast enough to gain momentum.


A focus sash on Salamence ? he doesn't have mediocre defenses so get rid of it and slap him some Life Orb or a

Choice Band. If you go for Life Orb or a Leftover, teach it Dragon Dance.


you might as well change Rhyperior into something else. he's not bad tho. i can see he covers the fire weakness

in your team but a water type can do the job better. it has less weaknesses than the Rock/Ground typing.



Overall, it's not a bad team. just do a little tweaking you'll be fine. :)





I'll be sharing some videos of my Fairy team in a later date some time in March.

stay tuned. :)

and i'm so in love with Fairy types. just like how Canon is in love with Ghost types. :laughga:

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I really need someone to trade with so my Haunter and Spritzee can evolve! Canon, Haroon, anyone?

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I really need someone to trade with so my Haunter and Spritzee can evolve! Canon, Haroon, anyone?

Sure sure, I'm turning on my 3DS now :yes:

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 just like how Canon is in love with Ghost types. :laughga:




How can you not love ghost types :sara: They can be so cute :heart:

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How can you not love ghost types :sara: They can be so cute :heart:

Omg that is so adorable :giveup::flutter: I'll be watching your VS recorder thing in a few minutes :popcorn:

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