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My Amazing Discovery In Necromancing YouTube Videos Through Code


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Ok everyone, I am super happy about a discovery I made involving manipulating URL code in YouTube videos. It has led to me digging up some cool remixes that were otherwise lost forever.

I want to show you, and thereby teach you, how to do it yourselves!

So I came upon this remix that I really wanted to hear.

The YouTube account containing the remix had been terminated by YouTube.

Usually, whenever I see something like this, it was a dead end for me, I would just have to live with the fact that I would never hear the remix or song or whatever it was -- the video is dead. BUT, there is a chance, in the description there is a download, or the username of the uploader can be Googled, and matched with other accounts in the same name -- i.e., SoundCloud, Facebook, GGD, ect.

So this is the remix i wanted to see:


As you can see, that sucker is dead. Nothing happening there.

But the magic here, I was soon to discover by accident -- is the code.

the actual code here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=O6R3vXZDV0I

That contains everything, so to speak, through that code I can see the details about the video, who uploaded it, and the description. Now in the video above, when you click on it, YouTube wont let you see the uploader or the description -- but that stuff actually exists.

I'm gonna walk you through it, I discovered it quite by accident when using YouTube for other stuff.















8. You then can manually type the mediafire links in your search field to get:


Amazingly, as I said, the DL links ACTUALLY work after all this time! The uploader did it almost 3 years ago, January 9th, 2010.

For all your trouble reading this, here are the working download links :party:

An amazing victory I am so proud to have shared with you all!

Print this page, right click save as, do whatever you have to do to keep this handy next time you are looking for The One that Got Away!

Necromanced By Me 11-29-2012:

Just Dance (WMBK Monster Remix)

circa 1-9-2010 by YT's RNI, later known as HausOfGaGaMusic


Just Dance (WMBK Monster Remix Instrumental)


Love Game (WBMK Monster Remix)


Love Dame (WBMK Monster Remix Instrumental)


Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Bad Kids

OMG That is very informative, Chica! :legend: I would use it in future if I had to find dead videos or songs! :hug: Thank you!! It's very detailed!

And when you say my name, like white horses on the waves, I think it feels the same, as an ocean in my veins.
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yes, even look at the images that you embedded. "more info" is already displayed, so you simply click on that and you get the same result except instantly. all that you did was make the embedded video appear in a single tab.



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im happy that you found this..

its really an amazing experience to manipulate things xD

yes, even look at the images that you embedded. "more info" is already displayed, so you simply click on that and you get the same result except instantly. all that you did was make the embedded video appear in a single tab.



i dont think the OP knew or noticed this..

because the old embed style of YT is only composed of the play button at the middle and the frame itself.

nowadays, YT keeps on improving. idk. not sure about this.

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i dont think the OP knew or noticed this..

because the old embed style of YT is only composed of the play button at the middle and the frame itself.

nowadays, YT keeps on improving. idk. not sure about this.

nope, look at her screenshots. the more info button is there the whole time.


Does this mean that we can view threads that are private, removed, or not available in our countries?

do you mean videos? no, it doesn't mean any of that. she was instructing you (it's misinformation actually, look at my posts) on how to view the description of videos only (which are usually left blank anyway).
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i'm confused. couldn't you just have clicked on "more info" on the embedded video link? i can...

You have to hover the mouse to get the "More info" link to appear, but yes. :)

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