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Official Drag Race España Thread | Congrats to our winner *Use Spoiler tag*

BUtterfield 8

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BUtterfield 8

The bathroom dress girl should’ve been lip syncing

it was giving me Nina west ep 1 teas

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6 hours ago, BUtterfield 8 said:

The bathroom dress girl should’ve been lip syncing

it was giving me Nina west ep 1 teas

She's a well known queen here in Spain, I hope she doesnt get a pass for that 'cause she deserved to be bottom 2.

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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  • BUtterfield 8 changed the title to Official Drag Race España Thread | Episode 2 out now! *Use Spoiler Tag*
BUtterfield 8

-I’m surprised no one did veneno’s iconic red look from the first episode of veneno 

-Carmen did so well this episode. Her runway was amazing. I also loved inti’s.

-bottom 2 should’ve been inti and Arantxa imo but I guess inti’s runway saved her

-From what I read on Reddit, vulcano’s platform shoes are a staple in the canary islands where she is from, so I understand why she was so offended when they asked her to change to heels

-i think vulcano did better in the lip sync but arantxa is my fave of the season so I’m happy to see her stay.

-the next episode preview is WILD. What did they mean by “your partner decided to leave”? I think it has to do with the 2 javiers


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I was not ready to see either of the bottom two queens go :bradley:


Drag Vulcano's critiques were such BS. They basically sent her home because she wore platform shoes :interestinga:


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La Rosalia

I was gagged with Inti’s and Carmen’s runways, QUEENS.


Also, I think Hugaceo deserved to be in the bottom two. Overall I was not too surprised with the songs. The United Kingdolls set the bar so high. 

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14 hours ago, BUtterfield 8 said:
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-I’m surprised no one did veneno’s iconic red look from the first episode of veneno 

-Carmen did so well this episode. Her runway was amazing. I also loved inti’s.

-bottom 2 should’ve been inti and Arantxa imo but I guess inti’s runway saved her

-From what I read on Reddit, vulcano’s platform shoes are a staple in the canary islands where she is from, so I understand why she was so offended when they asked her to change to heels

-i think vulcano did better in the lip sync but arantxa is my fave of the season so I’m happy to see her stay.

-the next episode preview is WILD. What did they mean by “your partner decided to leave”? I think it has to do with the 2 javiers


Supremme says "vuestra compañera" and that's a girl. So yeah, one of them is quitting.

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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Drag Race España is so good, I am happy this season happened, the cast is perfect. That being said:



I totally disagree with both eliminations so far. Vulcano didn't deserve the bottom 2, bottom 2 was supposed to be Hugaceo & Arantxa, that was obvious. The lipsync was very similar for both, but Arantxa served lipsyncs and splits and Volcano couldn't because of her platforms.

I don't think Hugaceo deserved the victory last week, but the judges are clearly seeing her as the new Sasha Velour.

Farala is so much better than I expected, I hope we'll see her on International All Stars soon. I wanna see her destroying american drags in the competition.



I am authistic, so don't be offended if I make a mess sometimes.
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And in the end, the rigga morris arrived in Spain too.



I'm shocked about the critiques. Inti was amazing in her performance. The weakest were Dovima and the other girl who came on the runaway half naked (I don't remember her name), even Hugaco was horrible. Basically all the safe queens deserved to be on the bottom.
I'm glad Aranxa stayed, Vulcano wasn't much of a tv personality


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3 hours ago, Levine said:

And in the end, the rigga morris arrived in Spain too.


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I'm shocked about the critiques. Inti was amazing in her performance. The weakest were Dovima and the other girl who came on the runaway half naked (I don't remember her name), even Hugaco was horrible. Basically all the safe queens deserved to be on the bottom.
I'm glad Aranxa stayed, Vulcano wasn't much of a tv personality



Oh they DEFINITELY sent Drag home because she didn't make good TV. That whole thing about the platform shoes was just an excuse to put her in the bottom.


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4 hours ago, Levine said:

And in the end, the rigga morris arrived in Spain too.


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I'm shocked about the critiques. Inti was amazing in her performance. The weakest were Dovima and the other girl who came on the runaway half naked (I don't remember her name), even Hugaco was horrible. Basically all the safe queens deserved to be on the bottom.
I'm glad Aranxa stayed, Vulcano wasn't much of a tv personality


I thought all of messed up steps in that group. :sweat: and then somehow all were safe :oprah:

Also can I just that Inti is amazing! :bradley:

I'm not very good with Social Mediaᵀᴹ
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Chris Thomason

Going to miss Vulcano's runways for the rest of this season. Can't believe they sent my trade of the season home so early :messga:


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  • BUtterfield 8 changed the title to Official Drag Race España Thread | Congrats to our winner *Use Spoiler tag*


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