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Adult film star Cade Maddox gets vaccine by lying about his employment

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Squeeshy Keety
19 minutes ago, CameltoeKween said:

Not you swooping in to announce your superiority with a hit and run comment :billie:

Put your emoticons away

There's a priority list for a reason. Vulnerable people take precedent in times like these, and protecting them is what all of this fuss has been about all along. This was selfish to lie and take that vaccine either from someone immunocompromised or at least at a high occupational risk of contraction. And he did so in a state where cases are astronomical and supplies are far below what they need to be, afterwards advertising to others to do the exact same thing. Unfathomable.

They / Them 🏳️‍🌈
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32 minutes ago, CameltoeKween said:

Not you swooping in to announce your superiority with a hit and run comment :billie:

not you taking my comment as a personal insult 

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Sorry, I'm distracted by his chest...


I guess I'm just tired of reprimanding minutia when the rot, neglect and corruption in this country is so glaring. 

That said, I don't think what he did was "right."

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Lion Heart





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he said apply to be an uber driver, which uber literally give notifications saying to do so 'uber keeping us safe' or whatever

what's the issue? :fatcat:

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1 hour ago, HEARTSTOP said:

Good for him but you know he just wants to vaccine to get on with his life ignoring the existence of the pandemic.

what other reason do we all want the vaccine if not to get on with our life and get over the pandemic, gurl? :yennefer:

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So you can just apply to be an UE driver and get the vaccine? Y’all... the UE driver economy cant be flooded with a bunch of people like this. He’s gonna **** up other people’s bag... how extremely irresponsible. Not him telling the public how to cheat the system too...

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1 hour ago, VenusUrania said:

Look, it's great that people want to get vaccinated but the problem is:

- he LIED that he works as a delivery man

- just because there's a loophole, it doesn't mean that you should take advantage of it

- priority lists exists for a reason, he's basically saying **** all of you, imma think about Heidi now, I mean Cade

- there are people who are still waiting for the vaccine and are at the same time on the priority list

- this is not just morally wrong but he also broke the rules/laws just to get ahead


The sex and **** star part shouldn't be much of an issue but:

- if he did **** during the pandemic, and he was not vaccinated, he put his and other people's lives at risk

- the nature of his business is that bodily fluids are exchanged, which spread the virus too especially with barebacking (prep and HIV are unrelated here)

- if he and his partners selfisolated and got covid tests before shoots, that would be responsible behaviour but I'm still waiting for the evidence that he did that

majority of studios, if not all, require a negative test a few within 48 hours of the shoots. 

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42 minutes ago, LateToCult said:

Now why’d he take half his shirt off? :air:

its a very fitted long sleeve shirt.  that wont roll up high enough without cutting off circulation. 

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If you are going to do something despicable like this, could you at least have to decency not to encourage others to do the same and just keep it the **** to yourself..? :triggered:

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Diamond Heart

So gross. 
People should NOT be lying to get vaccines. Theres a reason why certain people (in this case fast food drivers) get the vaccine first, they are at risk doing their JOBS. So unbelievably selfish. 

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1 hour ago, LateToCult said:

Now why’d he take half his shirt off? :air:

Or perhaps u want him to take his whole shirt off

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2 hours ago, VenusUrania said:

if he did **** during the pandemic, and he was not vaccinated, he put his and other people's lives at risk

As far as I’ve seen, many **** stars did COVID tests on a weekly basis so they could continue to work and earn money.

It’s hilarious that keyboard warriors think people will sit at home for a whole YEAR without their income and do what... whine about wanting a stimulus check? :smh: People need to work. Period.

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So ... just because he’s a **** star means he can’t have another income? We’re all based on fact here it seems but I don’t see any evidence that he himself isn’t an Uber eats driver, even as a side hustle. Come at me with the evidence that he isn’t one before coming for me.

If in CA Uber eats is qualified for the vaccine this person literally did nothing wrong. Blame CA than for their priority list... until the evidence shows otherwise why are you bothered by someone getting vaccinated (and him being a **** star is unrelated here because y’all are assuming that’s his only job title)


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