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John Travolta's House In Ocala, Florida


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2 hours ago, River said:


It's really depends on your job really, my husband is a Math professor and teaches and does research so he needs his own place for all the books and for the silence.

We have 3 bedrooms, 1 main and 2 offices for each, mine goes for the gaming so I have the big tv and all the consoles and the gay geek room :laughga:

Mine would basiclly be your setup, but I'd also use it for work :nick:

I do everything on the computer, so I don't need anything physical for it, just a working mouse/keyboard haha

Purr more, hiss less.
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Franch Toast
3 hours ago, GagaSine said:

I never understand the point of huge houses :wtfga: I would get paranoid and afraid that strangers were hiding in every room. Also obviously they have housekeeping but imagine cleaning that house! I get exhausted cleaning my tiny apartment.


2 hours ago, LaLuna said:

Same. I don't get rich people and their obsession with huge mansions. It's like an unspoken rule that if you're rich you just have to have a big house. Like, why? Just because you can afford it? So you can show off your wealth? Plus you're paying housekeeping to clean rooms you never even use, like what's the point?

Personally I much prefer smaller, cozy houses. 


And many of these same people will turn around and lecture the rest of us on reducing our carbon footprint and saving the environment. 

And they don't just stop at one huge mansion –– it's like they need multiple mansions in different locations, plus a NYC penthouse of course. Meanwhile, look at all the homeless people we have or people living in unsafe living conditions. 

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3 hours ago, FATCAT said:

I could never. I'd buy an apartment building before I ever buy a giant mansion. 

I'd settle for a sensible but unique house built in the country honestly :diane:

The most lavish thing I'd ever want in a house is one of those third story like things like Lilo and Stitch have :poot: but it'd be a glass dome with a walkway around the outside and a telescope :flutter:

"Where's Party?"

"In his dome :fan:"

There's a house in Pennsylvania that looked perfect for me and it's lowkey affordable :giveup: I'm mad that I'm stuck here for the moment :giveup:

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