Chromatican 4,046 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 3 hours ago, Economy said: Why are u defending a practice that has generally been accepted to be bad and justifying it on the grounds that in the past it was the whites that did it? These kinds of inconsistencies and double standards just make some ppl not take movements seriously What practice are they defending? Where are the inconsistencies? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oriane 20,280 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 Rewriting history a bit as long as it's small unimportant details that are still realistic within the context is fine. You're not going to pretend that the queen of England being black in the XVIe century is any realistic. The only TAG member who can read Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
AVeryGagaHolyDick 22,739 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 Sounds a bit weird at first for sure, but after all, it's not necessarily supposed to reflect every aspect of reality, it's a movie with its own dialogues and scenario, so why not Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bleachella 2,932 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 ggd hates black people so much it’s so sad anyways, jodie turner smith is a fantastic actress and i WILL be streaming! although, i will agree with some posters in this thread, while i don’t have an issue with race bending characters (historical or otherwise) i think it’s high time to start telling poc centric stories written and directed by poc! there’s so much richness there that is underdeveloped and unexplored by the entertainment industry. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
NCgaga 4,319 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 I think historical time pieces should be played factually and realistically. A black woman as Anne Boleyn is a reach for controversy. Jesus should be played by a middle eastern Man, as well as cleopatra, who had Greek lineage. Hitler should be played by a German. Mandela should be played by a black man. The recent whitewashing of historical figures was never ok. Having a black woman play Anne Boleyn is also not ok. We should always keep things factual and accurate. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jill 29,480 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 lol this thread is a disaster We LOVE to see more poc representation. Deal with it, snowflakes. Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jed 7,716 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 6 hours ago, Bradley said: How would you feel if a black actor portrayed Gaga? What a weird ****ing non issue lmao. If she was talented and did the mannerisms and the role justice then id say yesss slay you did her such justice. lets say BEST case scenario someone makes a musical about gagas life. Youre gonna say only a white woman should ever be casted in it? Black schools shouldnt be able to do it because a they dont have a white girl to play the lead? Literally this shows how serious anti blackness is and how deeply embedded into the worlds psyche is. No critical thought to what youre saying no self awareness. Just “ooh i know how ill get them to realize their wrong. Ill say ‘but think of the terror if a black woman portrayed gaga’” like is blackness that ****ing scary to you? Is whiteness THAT important to you that youd stop enjoying a performance because of it? I swear id say you sicken me but it really seems like its more deeply embedded in your head than you even realize Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jed 7,716 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 2 hours ago, Warning said: Could you imagine fumes if white male would be casted as Obama, white Mandela, black Gaga/Madonna, black Trump, white Panther sometimes SJW try too hard to shape history as it never was, lets settle down and do not shape races/facts. The lack of understanding in these comparisons speaks volumes. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
gumzy3000 7,038 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 No this doesn’t make any sense and it just sounds like fake wokeness trolly troll troll Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jed 7,716 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 2 hours ago, Delulu Rogers said: Let's not pretend like white people playing POC hasn't been called out before. The last decade especially has done so much to raise awareness and created the whole accurate representation movement. That's the very reason people are conflicted about this because it goes against what the woke people have been arguing for in recent years. We can't one day fight for accurate representation and the next day say "oh movies are artistic expressions it doesn't matter who plays her." That's a double standard. This isn't even necessarily my opinion but more facts. Erasing a role that could have been for someone (like casting a cis actress to play a trans role with literally no trans representation or casting a white man to play martin luther king jr) versus a role that’s race has nothing to do with it. you’re being willfully obtuse so you can have some sort of moral highground. Youre ignoring different kinds of roles and situations because its easier for you to make it a “one size fits all” argument. “if we let this black woman play a white woman thats literally the same thing as making harriet tubman white” if you seriously can type that and think that and not think to yourself “hmm wonder what the difference is” then why would anyone want to engage with you? You want to live in this world where no one can tell a white person they cant do something and if you do then you have to be able to tell black people they cant either. so youd object if they made her life into a play to let a black high school play it? Youd tell a west end actress she couldnt play lets say queen elizabeth in a play because shes black? And your logic would be “well next thing you know someones gonna want to make ghandi a blonde”? Or is it because its on tv/film suddenly thats a step too far because.. what, someone might think Anne was actually black? Now fiction is Historical record? I just cant believe people think this way Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
FentyGa 14,340 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 3 hours ago, KanyeWest said: Then you are racist if you are against Scarlett Johansson playing an asian role that’s not how this works you can’t just reverse things, the same rules don’t apply to everything scarlett is a white woman. there is an abundance of white films, telling white stories. 2 hours ago, KanyeWest said: I'm pretty sure that if Anne was black and happened to be living in England, she wouldn't be royalty....and people wouldn't welcome her and make her a queen, and also her background would be different since she would be from Africa, which would probably mean that she was brought by colonialists to England, to do who knows what, but certainly not royalty activities.So yes, Anne's story is affected by her race, her childhood, her background, her ethnicity, her language and her social status and wealth, and lineage i challenge you to read the other things i’ve written before responding, because i’ve explained this several times. her race is not central to her story. the series is likely to me drama/love story, and her race is not featured in that plotline. the show isn’t saying “what if she had been black in the 1500s”. it’s creating an alternate universe, where the society is post-racial, and therefore, anyone in the cast can be any race. there are no struggles anne faced because she was white. she didnt experience any discrimination or racism due to her whiteness. the series is a fictional series, based on real life events. if you want accuracy, go read a history book. incompetence is so exhausting. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
FentyGa 14,340 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 3 hours ago, KanyeWest said: Yes because back then africans didn't live in England and certainly weren't the Queens and Kings of it, so if you decide to swap the race it's historically inacurate and therefore re-written this isn’t a history book. nobody is saying “anne was black”. this show is a fictional piece of media. nobody’s rewriting history, they’re creating a show BASED ON history. big difference. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarstruckIllusion 52,065 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 The director deciding to piss off the “it’s just acting™️” crowd: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Togekiss 2,431 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 I just watched Gretel and Hansel (on Hulu or Netflix I can’t remember) and they had some characters portrayed by POC. Even though it isn’t accurate for the presumed time/place it worked because it was very surrealist/their race was totally irrelevant to the story. THIS strikes me as a little odd though because it’s a real historical figure, whose kingdom/regime was directly responsible for the subjugation and murder of god knows how many people in Africa/around the world. So it seems kind of like an attempt to whitewash the past (for lack of a better term). building a daydream Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Delulu Rogers 7,112 Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 9 minutes ago, Jed said: Erasing a role that could have been for someone (like casting a cis actress to play a trans role with literally no trans representation or casting a white man to play martin luther king jr) versus a role that’s race has nothing to do with it. you’re being willfully obtuse so you can have some sort of moral highground. Youre ignoring different kinds of roles and situations because its easier for you to make it a “one size fits all” argument. “if we let this black woman play a white woman thats literally the same thing as making harriet tubman white” if you seriously can type that and think that and not think to yourself “hmm wonder what the difference is” then why would anyone want to engage with you? You want to live in this world where no one can tell a white person they cant do something and if you do then you have to be able to tell black people they cant either. so youd object if they made her life into a play to let a black high school play it? Youd tell a west end actress she couldnt play lets say queen elizabeth in a play because shes black? And your logic would be “well next thing you know someones gonna want to make ghandi a blonde”? Or is it because its on tv/film suddenly thats a step too far because.. what, someone might think Anne was actually black? Now fiction is Historical record? I just cant believe people think this way There's a lot to cover in this mess of a post. First of all, did you even read my other post where I literally said I agree that in this case the race has no bearing to her story or legacy??? Secondly, I never said for historical figures whose race is important to their lives and story to be played by white ppl. Of course I know the difference between a situation like that vs this. Those were other users saying that so don't put words in my mouth. Nowhere am I trying to do a one size fits all argument nor am I trying to have moral highground. You're the one bringing up situations like Harriet Tubman being played by a white woman to discredit what i've said when my post had nothing to do with situations like that. You would know that if you read my earlier post acknowledging different situations. Thirdly, since you missed the point of the post, here it is in plain writing. All I was saying was that in recent years white people have been called out for misrepresentation and there has been a whole movement about it. As there should be. But that means that I highly doubt a white person playing a POC with the same claims as "it's fiction or their race had no bearing on their story" would be able to fly. It would most likely be met with backlash and calls for accurate representation. Which in that case it would be a double standard. I also don't appreciate the insults or the assumptions you made in the last paragraph when none of that is even relevant to anything I said. If you are going to continue that for when/if you quote other people, than "why would anyone want to engage with you?" Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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