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100 people song & Gaga´s famous quotes song ideas

Mother of Puppies

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Mother of Puppies

Ok, so I was recently looking at some funny videos on Youtube and then I stumbled upon this masterpiece and thought it was soooo funny that I had to share :huntyga:


I don´t know if any of you have seen this, (probably) but I thought I´ll share it anyway... (since during these times there is not that much to laugh about)

Some genius has made a song out of it... there can be a 100 people ... y´know the rest :ally:   It´s a BOP




I also suggested to make a song out of "I´m italian"   


So now what other songs could there be made with "iconic Gaga quotes" ???


(Maybe we can all ask this guy to make more songs/videos like that :ladyhaha: )

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Hunny, there can't be 100 people in a room.


Unless they're circuit gays :bear:


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Oooh you're gonna love this


If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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1 minute ago, Scjamesuk said:

Who’s ready for this to be a tour interlude?!

After she added Cake Like Lady Gaga to the artRAVE I believe anything

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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