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What do you guys think? Gaga Vectorized


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When I get bored I start making things in Adobe Illustrator. I made this. I was going for a very simple design without a lot of detail and I like how it turned out.

What are your thoughts, opinions, critiques ?


here is the tumblr link (if you want it)



tumblr_mebymj8Aha1r848lxo1_1280.pngI did another one cause you guys like my first one

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When I get bored I start making things in Adobe Illustrator. I made this. I was going for a very simple design without a lot of detail and I like how it turned out.

What are your thoughts, opinions, critiques ?

Making this my avi brb.

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Its amazing how you captured her with such little detail.


Love it! :)

thank you!

great. could be used for like a poster or something

really? :party: this means so much!

I love it.


Whoa, that's awesome. Is this going on Tumblr?

yes, here is the link http://aaronmcder.tumblr.com/image/36194636593

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I made another one, not sure if I put this in the right place. I didn't want to make another thread for this :flop:

Tumblr Link

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